Friday, May 9, 2008

Where Have I Been??

You know what's nice about blogging - I actually have a chance to miss myself... I need to delve into AI a little bit before I start on my new favorite show, "Hell's Kitchen". I must say that my little dred-lock guy HAD to go this week. Not only was his rendition of Bob Marley TERRIBLE, but he was a mess on the elimination show and was relieved he didn't have to come back because he wouldn't have to memorize THREE songs. Dumb as a rock - meanwhile, little lip-licker is belting out Elvis songs and while he is extraordinarily annoying, at least he can memorize his songs.

Why isn't Syesha getting any credit for
A - being good?
B - being beautiful?

Granted - she looked a bit whorish in her Tina Turner outfit but she PULLED it off. Meanwhile, the "tight pants boys brigade" is looking ridiculous with their chapped lips, yellow teeth and mysterious hairdos. This chick is bringing the beauty AND the voice every time. All that said, David Cook should win because he really is the only one with a future. Archuletta needs to go Disney (and gay), Syesha should go Broadway or TV, and Dred-lock needs to go to college and smoke pot 8 times per day.

On a new note, does anyone watch Hell's Kitchen?? I love this show. I don't even know where to begin. My favorite line this week about tall blond in reference to the little Vietnamese dude, "I mean he's barely 4 feet tall and I'm 6 feet tall. It's NOT happening." I LOVE the way Gordon Ramsey says Fuck Off instead of Goodnight. And I am supremely entertained by the number of DUMBasses who can cook. First of all, what the hell kind of name is Petroza and why is he NEVER on the chopping block? If I saw that man cooking my food, I would run for the exit. And Ben is dumb as a rock - none of them can speak and the little guy really IS 4 feet tall AND stupid.

My favorite/least favorite, though, without question, is Matt. CLOSE YOUR MOUTH. I do feel bad for those people who just can't close their mouths but this guy is going to immediately sign up for Extreme Makeover when he sees himself on TV. Now that Gordon Ramsey has joined Simon Cowell as one of the most accurate observers on TV, I think I may want to move to London. Or England, whatever - you HAVE to watch this show. It is priceless.

So, I play on a co-ed softball team and 3 of the guys have had babies in the last 2 years. 3 boys - the names....Jack (reasonable), Desmond (a bit odd) and Hugo (are you kidding me???). Now I realize people are going for original names and all but do these guys really not notice that they are blatantly picking the names of "LOST" characters? And if not after Jack which is a common name, how can you name your kid Hugo after the last announcement was of Desmond??? Ridiculous. But, I love it...