Friday, October 31, 2008

I am so shoddy

Ok - so I know I have been absent for a while. Things have been a bit crazy at work - my company was acquired and I have to work with my old lesbian boss (old in both ways) and you would think she would like me but I think she actually doesn't like that I'm an "accepted" lesbian because she is old and had to be a lesbian in the workplace the hard way. Although, I think she is less old than she looks, but that is besides the point.

ANYWAY, it's Halloween and I just have to say that I HATE when people use Halloween to dress up like a slut. It's not about that!! It's about my best ever costume, when J & I were Monica Seles and Steffi Graf and I had a knife sticking out of my back. It's about the Jimmy Kimmel show I saw tonight with "half-and-half" costumes which were hilarious such as, "Cinna-Bono" and "BarAquaman". I loved it!! Not "I'm going to dress up like Little Red Riding Hood so I can look like a slut." I hate that.

I also HATE Vicki and Brady on BL. HATE them. For crying out loud, you are on a FAT loss show and you intentionally didn't lose weight when you still weigh over 300 lbs and you have Bob to help you lose weight and your JOB is to lose weight and all you care about is voting off that sweet mom of the autistic son because her husband is annoying?? I HATE them. I only take solace in the fact that they will be fat again. I have mixed feelings about Heba - I sort of hate her for being friends with those awfuls but she is so damn fat and at least she continues to lose weight.

I especially hate how all of these people are so damn stupid. Like, for example, Heba - she needs to break up her little alliance because the husband-wife team is going to screw her in the end. And the stupid black team voting off the only man was just plain DUMB and they, too, should have split up the mother-daughter team because Colleen, who is already skinny (ok, maybe I'm pushing it) is SO next.

I also want to say that I am at a Science show in Dallas right now and today, in the booth across from me, was a man who was dressed up as a cow. And it was RIDICULOUS. But, I loved it.

I also took everybody out for a ridiculous dinner last night because that is part of my role now and I order bottles of wine from the sommalier (which I can't even spell) and I am just RIDICULOUS.

That's all.... Sorry for the lapse - I am dosing you. Because I dose people. And that makes people wish they had friends like me :)