Thursday, August 26, 2010

I just signed into the blog in Spanish

No worries, matie, I will write the entry in English!! We have been to Germany, London and now Marbella, Spain. Yesterday, we went to the ROCK...of Gibraltar), which is, apparently, in Britian. Which means pounds, people saying things like "whilst", "sussed" and "righty-o"....(I haven't actually heard the last one, but I bet I will before our days are over!! The ROCK is HOT. It has been about 95 degrees every day without a cloud in the sky - this weather lasts until roughly 9 PM. Yesterday, we visited the ROCK, where they have monkeys without tails and beautiful views. My proudest moment was my ability to speak Spanish to a Native, who directed us to the parking place at McDonalds. My least proud moment was watching the monkey play with its penis while tourists watched but saw nothing except for a "cute" monkey surrounded by dirty bananas. I refuse to address the bananas.

Last night, we ended up in the hotel restaurant (because really, it is just SO much easier than trying to find a restuarant in these parts) and totally muscled our way in to the Flamenco show. We have eaten at this restaurant roughly 300 times since we have been here and usually just plop down at any old table. In fact, "our" table was reserved (for some reason), so we moved to one of the inner tables, closer to the dance floor. We only briefly considered why the bread and olives were already on the table before sitting our asses down at the table. We were appropriately shocked when the watiress (same one every night, whose name is something like "Dentist") asked us for our name. We offered to move when she told us these tables had been reserved for the Flamenco show and she said, "NONSENSE" (ok, she didn't actually say nonsense, but something like it in broken English) and just pulled up another table for the people who had appropriately reserved a table for the show. We were IN!! My observations - Flamenco dancing is very impressive and quite loud (I'm going to start using "quite" more often since I am part British now - speaking of which, I have been reading books by the pool and I realized yesterday that I have started reading in "British" - ie., I hear the voices of the people in the book in my head with a British accent! Ridiculous!). Anyway, other observations. Spanish men have hot bodies but ugly faces (well, Spanish men Flamenco dancers). The supermarkets in this part of Spain, also known as the Mercadona, REEK. We walked in, all exclaimed at how much it reeked, and then proceeded to buy groceries to EAT while we are here. YUK!!!

The weather here has been EXACTLY the same every day since we arrived 6 days ago - 95 degrees from roughly 9 AM until 9 PM without a cloud in the sky. Except here, they call it 35 degrees. People don't watch TV here - they can't! It's not possible! We have watched some interesting shows, I must admit - "Dine with Me" - where 5 or 6 people all go to each other's houses and eat a meal and then rate each other - I think someone wins money at the end. There is also some bizarre British version of "Double Dare" (remember that show?) without the slime. I got sucked in. My favorite show, so far, is "How the other Half Live" - this was a show about a filthy-rich family helping a filthy-poor family get back on their feet. Needless to say, I was BAWLING.

Tomorrow, we are headed to BarTHelona, where we are thinking about taking a bike tour of the city. I have no idea what to do there but from what I understand, there are lots of pickpockets and everyone LOVES BarTHelona. Spain is beautiful.

OH! The beach at this hotel in Marbella (just outside of MALaga) sucks. You can't swim in the ocean without losing a leg to a boulder. In other words, it's rocky! And the sand is 3000 degrees - so you can't even walk to the ocean, anyway!

Ok - signing off - maybe more info to come.....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Alex has GOT to go

Guess what, everyone!! I'm back in an airport!!! There could be some really good stuff - headed for Dusseldorf today/tomorrow - thre are some serious lookers in this airport and I mean that in the MOST sarcastic way. Of course, I am sitting here in a camouflage Yankee hat, purple sneakers, a hot pink shirt and a baby blue neck pillow wrapped around my neck. I also have a "patch" on my neck that is slightly visible and looks like a maxi-pad to the casual onlooker.

I love seeing the blatant differences between "non-Americans" and Americans in the airport. For example - there is a dude in the waiting area with a beret on. His girlfiend is wearing gray leggings that stop at mid-calf with a dress, a gray, button-down sweater (grandma-sweater) and, here's the kicker....white/silver hightops. Do you think they are American?

We also have discovered that Delta is now operating on "dress-down Friday" - all of the people we have seen today working the terminals (not just the Germans) are wearing jeans and a Delta t-shirt. We love it!! I also find it interesting that Europeans wear a LOT more cologne than we do - it doesn't cover up BO, people!! The bottom can tell where people are from by the shoes and the shoes alone - and I love it!!

Ok - we are boarding and I have to go BUT...Alex has GOT to go - he stole the pea puree and did NOTHING during restaurant wars. I was appalled to see he had a Jewish star on...appalled. In addition, I am THRILLED that Holly won HK - and that kid has got to be the most adorable kid I have ever seen (with the exception of all kids of readers of this blog).


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

She picked Roberto!!!!

I know I have been absent for a while but how could I not write after the finale? How can I not give credit to Ali for agreeing with me? How can I not love the fact that she basically said she knew from the minute he got out of the limo that he was the one? Have I mentioned that Roberto is hot?

I have a couple of comments about "the situation" - no....not him, just the real definition of the situation this time! Jeez.... Anyway....why is Roberto so sweaty? Is it just because of the cameras (I don't think so) or he is just a sweaty guy? Why is Chris so flushed? Why is the rest of Ali's family, with the exception of her mother (and sister, actually) SO unattractive? Is there something wrong with her brother or did he just get the dad's unfortunate genes?

I have to say that I kind of started to like Chris a little bit, in a way. How could you not like Chris? If they make him the next bachelor, I won't be able to watch, I don't think. Actually, that is a big, fat lie - I can't resist any rendition of the Bachelor and will even be watching "Bachelor Pad" which I don't completely get but refuse to miss. Chris is such a nice guy and I appreciate the fact that he knows he signed up for this show and was taking the risk of being dumped and doesn't hate Ali for it. I also cried when the rainbow showed up. Of course, I am a bit of a cry baby but it was a touching moment! Why is Roberto so sweaty?

I can't believe Frank didn't show up to face Ali "after the final rose". I can't believe it's over and I have to wait for a new Bachelor to start. Frank is such a little wus!! I bet he broke up with "Nicole" and didn't want to own up. OR....he knew he was going to lose to Roberto and just didn't want to have his heart broken in the finale. Remember this guy couldn't breathe earlier in the show when he saw Ali with other guys?

Why is Roberto so sweaty?

Otherwise, I think the finale was slightly anti-climatic (climactic?) - but I love that she picked Roberto even though she had America convinced she was going to go with boring but nice Chris. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also sort of enjoyed "True Beauty" which I mostly watched because Howard Stern's wife was in it (and Nick Lachey's girlfriend - ok, I had no idea who she was). I love that one of the dudes took the hanky and mopped his brow with it when it was meant for the crying chick who didn't get picked to stand up for anyone's wedding. Ok - that sounds confusing but it's a long story... I also love when Nick Lachey's girlfriend walked out to "reveal" that the show was actually "True Beauty" and not "The Face of Las Vegas" and the contestants looked at her like, "Who the hell are you?" She actually thought the act of HER walking into the elimination room was going to be a dead giveaway to the contestants that they were on True Beauty? Just to put my crying at Chris' rainbow in perspective, I think I cried when the dude won this show, too. Cry baby.

I haven't seen HK or Top Chef in a while and I haven't flown in a while but I promise to continue my flying stories - is there a book in there, somewhere? Bananas....unbelievable!!