Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I HATE BL and Brad and Emily are going DOWN

And if Mike Isabella wins Top Chef, I might throw up. I absolutely hate BL this season - maybe it's too many damn parent/child pairs. These parents are the assholes that let their kids get this fat. And now they are just so ready to "fall on the sword" for their kids. They are so full of shit!! The only weigh-in black lost was the one they threw, for their kids. Their kids need to lose the damn weight!! And most of all, I HATE Dairy Queen's mother. She is the "house mother" and everybody just loves her. She is a selfish bitch who owns a gym and let her daughter get over 400 pounds - are you kidding me?? And now she is a hero? And if she wanted Arthur to stay, she could have picked herself for the red team, where she would have been voted off, and Arthur could have stayed on black and stayed. I hate it! It pisses me off!! They shouldn't let parents on anymore if this is how it's going to be. I hate those damn brothers who gained a thousand pounds so they could go home when a million fatties are home wishing they were taking a "journey" on the ranch. I also hate this part of the show bcause they are getting closer and closer to my weight and I can't justify sitting in front of the show eating up a storm.

And one more thing - I love the fact that Bob and Jillian are kicking Unknown Ass. They have all the "skinny" girls against the huge dudes and they are crushing them at weigh-ins (unless the ashole parents are throwing the weigh-in). I love that when people switch to B&J, they start losing more weight. The boxing just isn't cutting it, UNKNOWNS!! And have you noticed that they are never in the commercials? It's always Bob, Jillian and Sammi - love it!!

Brad and Emily are SOOOO boring but it was blatnatly obvious that he was going to pick her from pretty early on- I was hoping for Chantal but it just wasn't happening. I love that Emily has turned out to be a bitch "after the final rose". I love that she nixed the "reunion show wedding" and that she can't handle watching Brad make out with the other chicks. She is NOT the sweetie they made her out to be!! And what kind of a person leaves her little fatherless kid to go on the Bachelor? How does Brad not see that?? And, oh by the way, why couldn't Neil Lane appropriately size the ring???

Did anyone else notice that Brad's twin brother is way hotter than Brad?? I kind of love that.

I'm pissed that Carla went home - but at least she didn't do it for somebody else's shoddy cooking techniques. I really think Tiffany has GOT to go - I like her, but she sucks. She has no chance to win, so let's get down to Richard and Antonia and get it on!!

I'm sorry I haven't been traveling much lately - I don't have any good stories!! Don't worry....they will be back.

Did anybody see "Heavy" with the midget?? AWKWARD!! WINNING!!!

I'm slightly devastated that the Bachelor is over and I'm slightly devastated that Chantal has a boyfriend and we won't get to see her as the B-ette. Could it be Michelle? Another terrible mother? If Giant Forehead gets the call, I might not be able to watch it. Of course, I said that about Ali, and about Jake. Maybe they will bring Vienna back!

I promise to watch Bachelor Pad this time around - I hear it is QUITE the show...

Headaches suck, by the way.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Ok - I am VERY upset that Robbie (Robby?) Rosen was sent packing. I had no idea they were sending everybody home on day 1!! My disappointment is ALMOST allayed by the fact that the flaming tomato and CLINT are gone - I'm so glad Clint is gone!! Those GLASSES!! But I really think Robbie should have made the cut. Is it me, or is there some kind of Latin/Gospel flair to this season's top 13? Is that the J-LO contribution?

I HATE Steven Tyler as a judge. First of all, and I know this is a serious stretch, but he reminds me of Dr. Sloan - does anybody see that? He has that casual, slow voice thing going on. He makes NO sense and he is WAY too nice as a judge. I didn't think it would matter all that much, but I seriously miss Simon. And I am happy that the cleaning lady made it through, but not at the expense of Robbie!!

I guess I am firmly in the corner of Casey and Tourets with room for big-assed Lauren. I think she actually might win but if she goes down the country road, I am NOT going to be a fan. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the deep voiced dude, probably because I HATE HATE HATE country music. It's AWFUL! I love that they compared Lauren to Pickler and she had the grace not to be appalled publicly - good move, kid!! I sort of love Stefano also, and not because he is the namesake of Days of Our Lives greatest villain, but because he is adorable and has a good voice. But he took Robbie's spot!! Oy.

Anyway - TOP CHEF!! I love it! Can Antonia pull it off? Can Carla pull it off? Can somebody please send Mike home? He just strikes me as dirty (kind of like Alex on Grey's). There has been a lot of attention spent on his burping and farting and spitting - yuck!! I don't think Tiffany has a snowball's chance in hell of winning but I still like her - I just want a woman to win!! I think Antonia has the best shot -she has been kicking ass lately. And why didn't they bring her daughter to the Ellis Island reunion? And the Bahamas? Really? Is that the best they could do? What is "Bahamian cuisine" - CONCH? (AKA CONK)?

I haven't watched any more Survivor yet, and I am behind on this week's BL episode and this is the week I HATE when it comes to the Bachelor. Screw the "women tell all" - tell me who he picked!!!

OOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKK - it's nice to have my shows back...where are the fans??