Thursday, May 14, 2009

Catching up....

Ok - I have been out for a while but I am BACK. And I have some things to address. Dammit.

I think it's bullshit that HK finale spans two weeks and I think it's bullshit that somebody has to have Lacey in the kitchen. If Paula can pull THAT off, she deserves to win!! I'm not thrilled about the Grey's "wedding switcheroo" but what the hell - at least Denny is gone. And Amazon Orthopedic Lesbain took SUCH a step up with her new girlfriend!! Although I don't understand how she could possibly be broke when she is a big-shot surgeon at Seattle Grace.

AI - before I forget. What the HELL was that kid from Ruwanda (or wherever, polite) singing that ridiculosity to a beaming Alicia Keys? Ridiculous. And how the HELL has Kris the monkey face made it to the final? If he wins, I may have to ban the show. I can bear Allison losing to Adam, but NOT monkey face. Ridiculous. WHO is voting for him??? I love the girls swooning, streaking and fainting over flaming Adam. LOVE it.

I am aghast that Helen won BL. What ever happened to bad karma??? This woman sent her daughter home so she could learn her new habits at the ranch and now she looks like one of those anorexic moms who probably will now encourage her kids to take laxatives in order to lose weight. GROSS. Mike looks good but will NEVER be hot and that poor fat brother of his better jump on this bandwagon. I do love the show and I love that Sami is the host but this season was a bit long. Did you SEE the anorexic old man who won the at-home prize? YUK!!! I'm thinking that at some point, fat is better!! Did anyone notice that Tara couldn't wipe the shiteating grin off of her face with her blue-green dress? It was WEIRD and AWKWARD.

Go Adam. Go Paula. Go Jillian.

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