Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Locke" is hot...

As a kid. Did they ever tell us his name? Is it acceptable that they were all dead? Am I too stupid to understand the whole thing - did they all die on the plane crash? Or did they all die some other way? Did they know each other only from the plane crash or did they know each other before the plane crash (prior to)? Was the whole thing a dream? Was it a Heaven vs Hell thing?

Is it inappropriate to think that the dark-haired twin is hot? Jacob was cute, but the dark-haired kid, "Little Locke?" was hot. But look what happened when they got older!! Jacob just started looking like, I don't know, Jacob and Locke-thing just got ugly. Maybe he looked like Seinfeld? Whatever it was, it wasn't hot. was hot as a kid!

I am so glad that Sawyer ended up with Juliette and not Kate - is it me, or did Kate end up looking scabby at the end, just like her boyfriend Jack? Apparently, death made them scabby...

As far as my real favorite show, Bowersox totally should have won, deserved to win and is 1000x better than LEE, but I don't really care. The song with Joe COCKer was ridiculous, but also pointed out how much better Bowersox is than Lee. AND how good that song by COCKer is, and how old he has gotten. And how yellow her teeth are, but still less yellow than COCKer's teeth. Lee seems like a nice kid - he managed to survive being named Lee, has good teeth (important) and had an appropriate reaction. It was an upset, but nothing like the dude whose name I can't remember - Kris Allen is it? - beat Adam Lambert. It was interesting to see them all dressed in white singing - the first one shoot what's her name gained all of Ruben's weight - Kelly Clarkson - poor girl. Fantasia - WUH - who voted for her?? Ruben should have lost to Clay. That gray-haired dude should have lost to anyone, like Sanjaya even. Clarkson was a legit winner and so was Jordin Sparks and definitely Underwood was a good one but the rest...not so much. I would love to see a Bowersox/Lambert duet.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


We must have addressed it at some point!! I love it - and I love that he finally got together with the chick who has a big nose but who I find oddly attractive. I love that he loves Vicodin. I love that he knows EVERYTHING. I love that he knows the little Jewish guy is going to cheat on his wife before he does. Is Wilson really from "And the band played on" or was it "In the Gloaming"? Wasn't In The Gloaming THE WORST?? I loved the finale - and I love that the chick who was trapped underground loved House and would rather have his obnoxious wit with her when she died than anyone else. I have the same theory with surgeons - if the bedside manner sucks, he/she is probably a good surgeon! You have to take the good with the bad...

Thank God Sandra won. I was so anti-POVERTY although, in the season of the dumbest moves EVER, her move to give one idol to Jerri and one to Sandra was absolutely brilliant. And how is it possible for Jeff Probst's dimples to become MORE pronounced every year? Does he get dimple implants or something? Or, would those be explants?

GO BOWERSOX!!!!! I am not as enthralled with her as I was a few weeks ago and I think that Lee deserves to be in the final, but I have issues with a guy named Lee. Or a girl named Lee, for that matter. I have NOT seen Lost in weeks but I plan to catch up soon. So don't tell me.

Did anybody see Grey's Anatomy?? OMG (I hate when people use OMG - I much prefer WTF) - but seriously - that episode was shocking. I'm glad that short-haired Mercy West chick is dead and I'm glad the big ugly dude is dead. I wish "I love Derek" was dead and I kind of wish Alex was dead. Do you realize that Lexi is probably named Alexis, making that couple Alex and Alexis? Let's be real - who would ever pick Alex over HOT Sloan? I am even shocked that the lesbian picked the hot blonde, Arizona, over Sloan, even though she prefers chicks. I am also quite glad they didn't kill off the hot black dude with green eyes, or half black. He is hot - is he hotter than Sloan? Hmmmmmm.....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

At Least Sandra Has Half a Brain...

First of all, do you think Survivor intentionally edited when Sandra said, "My mother died exactly a year and a week ago" to sound like, "My mother died exactly a week ago"? We had to rewind it a few times to confirm that she wasn't in Survivorland when her mother died. That being said, I have a few other things to say. COLBY SUCKS. I can't believe he has made it this far. Lovable Rupert is possibly the most unlovable thing I have ever seen. I am actually rooting for POVERTY over him (I refuse to spell her name any other way). Although he is out now, so I don't have to root for him OR POVERTY OR Danielle with the moustache.

Thank God for Sandra - I had visions of her keeping the hidden immunity idol in her bra (somebody actually wears a bra on this show!!) while the villains and Rupert and "I suck" Colby voted her off, even though it was the last opportunity to use it. JT and that blonde dude would have kept it under the guise of "having a real souvenir from Survivor" while getting voted off. I am now firmly rooting for Sandra. She is annoying, dramatic, and somewhat awful, but at least she knows what she is doing! A small part of me is rooting for Jerri, but I am having a hard time dealing with her mouth - I'm not sure if it's small teeth or what, but something is not quite right there.

Does anybody watch House? I think it is the greatest show ever. Even though the guy from Dead Poets and "And the Band Played On..." is in it.

I haven't seen Lost for a few weeks so I have nothing to say. As far as AI goes, if the blonde dude makes it to the final, I might just die. He is THE WORST. And I do not find him even remotely attractive. He probably has a hairy back and a small penis.

I'm rooting for Ashley in BL - she isn't running around whining about how she is still fat (like Mike) even though her stomach still hangs down to her ankles. Sunshine turned out to be gorgeous. And I'm not sure how I feel about Sam and that chick dating...I'm happy for Sam, but she was not my favorite. Mike would be dating Ashley or Sunshine at this point of the show....if he wasn't gay.

Alright....I'm back!