Tuesday, May 18, 2010

At Least Sandra Has Half a Brain...

First of all, do you think Survivor intentionally edited when Sandra said, "My mother died exactly a year and a week ago" to sound like, "My mother died exactly a week ago"? We had to rewind it a few times to confirm that she wasn't in Survivorland when her mother died. That being said, I have a few other things to say. COLBY SUCKS. I can't believe he has made it this far. Lovable Rupert is possibly the most unlovable thing I have ever seen. I am actually rooting for POVERTY over him (I refuse to spell her name any other way). Although he is out now, so I don't have to root for him OR POVERTY OR Danielle with the moustache.

Thank God for Sandra - I had visions of her keeping the hidden immunity idol in her bra (somebody actually wears a bra on this show!!) while the villains and Rupert and "I suck" Colby voted her off, even though it was the last opportunity to use it. JT and that blonde dude would have kept it under the guise of "having a real souvenir from Survivor" while getting voted off. I am now firmly rooting for Sandra. She is annoying, dramatic, and somewhat awful, but at least she knows what she is doing! A small part of me is rooting for Jerri, but I am having a hard time dealing with her mouth - I'm not sure if it's small teeth or what, but something is not quite right there.

Does anybody watch House? I think it is the greatest show ever. Even though the guy from Dead Poets and "And the Band Played On..." is in it.

I haven't seen Lost for a few weeks so I have nothing to say. As far as AI goes, if the blonde dude makes it to the final, I might just die. He is THE WORST. And I do not find him even remotely attractive. He probably has a hairy back and a small penis.

I'm rooting for Ashley in BL - she isn't running around whining about how she is still fat (like Mike) even though her stomach still hangs down to her ankles. Sunshine turned out to be gorgeous. And I'm not sure how I feel about Sam and that chick dating...I'm happy for Sam, but she was not my favorite. Mike would be dating Ashley or Sunshine at this point of the show....if he wasn't gay.

Alright....I'm back!


terrible said...

For godssakes, finally. I had to argue with myself over whether or not to leave a comment. The argument went like this:
Me - Should I punish Deb for not updating enough by not commenting?
Me - No.

Thank GOD Sandra won! I was wavering between Sandra and Poverty at the end, until Sandra burned Russell's hat. Amazing! And could Russell be any stupider or more deluded? He lies to everyone's face and betrays everyone, and then thinks they'll "respect his game"? What?!? Idiot!
House looks exactly like Tyler.

Leah said...

Did you see the house finale? Is that right? Finaly? Finnaly?finalley? Anyway, amazing. I love house and his stuggle with vicodin and his medical brilliance and the shitty way he treats his colleagues.
You all must watch modern family if you don't already. Just like house, brilliant.