Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hell is back!!

I have so much to talk about and so little time... First of all, I flew out ot San Francisco today for a damn work thing. I HATE people who assemble for a conference type thing excessively early! The thing starts at 9 - she wants us there at 730 - really? Is that necessary??

So today, I get on the plane and trudge back to my aisle seat (NOT in Economy Plus, which is inappropriate for someone of my "status" but whatever). A lovely young lady sits in the window. As the remainder of the plane fills up, of course I hope that nobody sits in the middle seat, but I know it's pretty unrealistic so I just hope that someone of reasonable size sits there. I wasn't too pleased when a lady with a little boy (a cute one, I might add) of about 3 (too old for "lap seat" but too young to argue about it) pauses outside of my row. I am not judging here, but she also had a "covered head" - sometimes those people smell. Hell - it's my blog, I can be politically incorrect! This might be worse than a fat person! gets worse. She beckons to the middle seat in the row in front of us and explains that she and her little son have been separated and then looks pleadingly at all of us, as if one of us is supposed to squish into a middle seat (especially those of us with "status"), when we are comfortably plopped in our aisle seats. When nobody offers up their seat she says, "It's ok, he can just sit in my lap" and then proceeds to carry him into the middle seat on her lap. There IS something worse than a fat person or a smelly person! It's a person with a 3-year-old in her lap... After a few minutes of this ridiculous seating arrangement (me in aisle, lovely girl in window, middle eastern chick with 3-year-old so son in her lap), which included me pleading with a flight attendant (aka stewardess) that she should find this lady a seat with her son, 3 of us got up and offered to move. Luckily, 2 of the 3 were women and we both felt quite comfortable accepting the generous offer of the guy in front of me to sit beside me - a well-dressed, youngish, handsome man whose shoulder I wouldn't have minded falling asleep on... I did offer to switch halfway with him but let's be real, that wasn't happening!! So yes, it all worked out in the end but seriously, shouldn't the airlines do something about separating a mother from a very young child? Ridiculous...

Speaking of falling asleep on people's shoulders, did anyone see Valentine's Day? It's a ridiculous movie, but we were bored on Memorial Day Weekend, and there were a lot of stars in it, and it seemed brainless. Kutcher sort of reminded me of Jason Bateman in that movie. The guy from 9 by Design also is an UGLY Jason Bateman. Am I spelling Bateman right? You know, the brother of the chick from Family Ties...MALORIEEEEEEE? Anyway, the movie was ridiculous but by far the best part was in the last 2 seconds when it was revealed that Bradley Cooper and Dr. Sloan were a couple. What a couple!! SO....HOT....

I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about HK - the stunt with GoRam and his wife at the beginning was bizarre, I am REALLY sick of Wellington (beef, lamb, whatever - it all looks nasty) and is it me or is the chick who considers herself to be a hot Hell's contestant NOT hot at all??

As far as Top Chef Masters goes - I am pissed that the little lesbian is gone for her coconut jam, and I don't know who to root for - I know I am AGAINST Marcus Samuelsson who, besides not being Swedish, has nasty looking food. And I was kind of into the old dude, Jonathan something-or-other, but he is always at the bottom and the "simple but delicious" food is getting old. I guess I am rooting for the Asian dude whose name I can't remember. Waxman! Why is Waxman hanging on by a thread? I think the Asian dude is going to win, anyway, so why bother having the competition?


Leah said...

I can't even tell you how many times I have been seperated from my kids on a flight AFTER having assigned seats all in a row. The problem lies in the fact that we are Elite status at the front of the plane and when other elite's get bumped they rearrange the front to fit other families, ignoring the ones that are already there. SO annoying and stressful when travelling is stressful and annoying enough.
Oh, and I think they should ban lap kids/babies all together anyway. Why is it okay for babies not to have a seatbelt on a plane? Ridiculous. The airlines should discount the seats so they are safe!!! That's my rant of the day, thanks D!

Krissy said...

I've never understood the seperating either, especially when it becomes my problem to sort out. I don't work here, I'm not getting paid.
I agree with your "status" comments. I feel like that a lot too. Lucky for me, I just married a dude who feels very strongly about that so I believe my future flights will include lots of status-ness.

As for HK, I was so grossed out when he started making out with his wife. I think they could have edited that a lot better so viewers weren't puking in their wellington. Also, is it just me or are all the guys really funny looking?

terrible said...

I don't watch top chef masters or HK, but watching GR make out with anyone sounds appalling.

Airlines should develop special sleep pods for kids 3 and under like the ones in Avatar. They could be reserved like seats. No crying, squirming, or lapkids. Easier for everyone! In fact, they should develop special sleep pods for all travellers. Maybe there coul dbe shared pods for people like the middle eastern and her kid, since they apparently like to be so close.

xinaeve said...

I loved having this post read to me in person- i felt like I was at a book reading with a famous author (not that i've ever been to one, but if they were at all as funny as your blog I would have to start!) little man is stirring so my blog reading is over for now, I'll be back to catch up soon!