Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Biggest Loser is BACK

Ok - first of all, how did Archie Bunker make it onto Biggest Loser and not age a day since All In The Family was on? I was very disappointed with his effort but he was so right about the fact that his daughter is the one who blew it for them. I was thinking they were going to vote out "I'm-a-fat-Fat-Camp-counselor-but-I'm-still-fat" because they have some fight in them and they're young enough to win some challenges but they aren't much of a threat as 2 women who aren't particularly large. On the other hand, Archie Bunker could have developed into a threat.

I definitely have to amend my initial choice of favorite from, "We-want-to-lose-weight-before-our-son-realizes-we're-fat" for a couple of reasons. First of all, she's not even that fat. She also bitches a lot about how lazy the husband is, and then he carried them at the first weigh-in. I am definitely against the brothers since the brothers were so successful on the last show. And I love the Alabama football players, especially the black guy who was thrilled by everybody's weight loss and also pulled off a huge number for himself.

I can't believe I'm taking this long to reveal the obvious favorite, Betty Sue and daughter. Is her name even Betty Sue? I LOVE that she SUCKED in the first challenge and gave up, ended up with flaming Bob when any halfway intelligent person would pick the chick (whose name I refuse to write because I don't know how to spell it), and then lost a shitload of weight and DIDN'T lose in the challenge with the hot air balloons (or whatever the hell they were). But, her assessments of Flaming Bob are amazing - something about squashing him like a little gnat and I love that he loves her and does not yet know that the only reason he has her is because she SUCKED in the opening challenge and got STUCK with him.

Anyway, as I was watching the Biggest Loser tonight, I was thinking how much thinner these people are than the solo contenstants. I couldn't figure out what it was because at the first weigh-in, they really didn't weigh much less than the other contestants (except I-have-a-lazy-husband-and-I'm-too-thin-to-be-on-this-show). Then, when I flipped back to "I Eat 33,000 Calories Per Day" on Discovery Health and watched them remove some guy who hadn't left his bed in 10 years by removing his wall (and NO, I was not watching Jerry Springer), I realized why the contestants looked so thin.

So, I have to shift gears because I watched a good number of "Big Medicine", "The Half-Ton Man" and whatever other show was on DH with morbidly obese poeple and after catching the end of the "Intervention" marathon yesterday, I have to say that the enablers of the morbidly obese are MUCH worse than the enablers of the drug addicts. First of all, the drug addicts can walk and breathe. They are stealing laptops out of cars to pay for their crystal meth habits or prostituting themselves to pay for their crack. The obese people can't get out of bed!! SOMEBODY IS FEEDING THEM.

And I don't buy the excuse of the guy who feeds a bucket out the window with money in it (in Harlem, no less) to pay the delivery person who then deposits 9000 orders of ribs into the bucket. Because, who is giving him the money? He CLEARLY isn't working. And he isn't going to the bank to cash his check. This one guy has about 10 people cooking for him around the clock although I was impressed that he did get up out of bed (for the first time in 10 years except for Thanksgiving) when his niece wouldn't bring him his food. He then proceeded to sit down at the table of the "food he eats in a day" which was APPALLING and, according to the announcer, waited approximately 2 minutes before he dug in. It was pretty gross. BUT, this guy had lost 200 lbs and was down to 700 so he is a bit more mobile than he used to be.

I do believe that food is an addiction and the obese people can't control themselves from eating and I feel for them - they are clearly miserable. BUT, once they reach the point where they can't get out of bed, the enablers need to cut them off!! Somebody needs to start "Intervention 2: The Food Addiction".

1 comment:

xinaeve said...

I think we must've been planted on the couch on the same day watching tv cuz I watched all the same shows, and naturally was similarly appalled. That fat with the bucket in Harlem...appalling. More recently I watched biggest loser and wife swap (Tivo'd) the other night and decided that I'm against gastric bypass surgery. In the wife swap and woman who was slightly obese had gastric, lost weight and picked up burlesque dancing (which was basically dressing up in drag and stripping) and proceeded to stay out every night and neglect her kids and husband. Appropriate. Anyways, my theory is that if the only thing gastric changes is that you can't eat as much, then you shouldn't need to have major surgery in order to stop shoveling food into your mouth.