Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Water Snob

When did it become so difficult to find an "acceptable" bottle of water? When I was a kid, I just used to drink from the water fountain. Now, it's too "tinny". After college, I was Britta. Now, I'm too lazy. I switched almost exclusively to bottled when I moved to DC, which you HAVE to do in DC. Even the boiled water tastes bad. But now...

For some reason, DC doesn't really have Poland Spring, which is definitely the best bottled water. Incidentally, for those of you who think I have nothing good to say about Mass, it is SO Poland Spring and I love that. Plus, you can drink tap in Mass. So, in DC, I'm almost strictly Smart (Smaaaaaht) or Ethos (Starbucks) water with the occasional influx of Deer Park, only IF NECESSARY.

What's annoying is that the Starbucks in the airport doesn't carry Ethos, they are almost strictly Vasa. And Vasa is UNacceptable. Some airports, in a more than acceptable move (especially since I'm generally not paying), are now carrying Smart water. Besides the fact that Smart was invented by a Colgate grad, it just tastes better. And, Ethos is "green" - or at least I think it is from reading the bottle once, a year ago.

I HATE Evian. That's what started the water snobbery. It tastes "thick". Gross. Ever try to drink "no gas" water in Europe? WUH. So, I'm also Perrier or any other "with gas" water I can get my hands on. I tried Fiji, which is expensive, but still pretty gross. Dasani, which isn't really bottled water, is actually pretty good. Zephrillis - WUH.

What started all this? I'm in the airport, thirsty in North Carolina, and all they have is VASA. And I was so discouraged, that I ordered myself a latte instead (iced). Then, when I walked past another store which had Deer Park, I couldn't accept it. I am ONLY Ethos or Smart water today, apparently. And what's even more ridiculous? I drink the tap water at restaurants. Why does that taste ok?

I can't discuss BL because I am SO pissed off that they voted off Paul, who is BY FAR the heaviest black team member. And does his EX-wife have marbles in her mouth or what? I used to be a Brittany "fan" until I saw the smug look on her face when she voted off Paul. Um - you are an IDIOT. You should have voted off Fat Camp who has the most annoying "face" I have ever seen and who has never lost more than 6 lbs. Why would you vote off Paul. Do you WANT to lose to zit tits and his brother, who now weighs LESS than Fat Camp?? Ugh...


Leah said...

I need to start watching BL just so I can appreciate your comments. I have no doubt that they are hysterical, but I want to "get" them. :)
I also hate the airport water. Although, I don't really drink that much water. I'm more of a tea or vitamin water when given the choice.
Why hasn't Meredith responded to the water blog yet? I'm looking forward to her comment regarding her water addiction, I mean preference.

Meredith said...

There's a name for people who are addicted to water. polydipsia. Sounds about right. Apparently, there are a lot of people just like me out there. Just google "addicted to water". We even made the NY Times. I'm not very discrimitating, although I can't not appreciate your new found love of the H2O. Although my doctor has since cut me off. Unsuccessfully. She also wants me to cut back to only one cup of coffee per day. Tell that to Keurig.

Meredith said...

Evian is totally nasty. I'm an aquafina gal. But I do love the poland spring . I think the Ethos is way to expensive, and I prefer my water by the liter.

xinaeve said...

remember when i made a vat of matzoh ball soup and didn't boil the water in DC and was sick for the week or 2 it took to eat/drink it all? I'm crystal light or Pellegrino- how do you feel about pellegrino?

Meredith said...

I don't like fuzzy water.