Monday, March 31, 2008

"Belated" Birthday Wishes

Somehow, lately, I find myself saying, "Only in America" A LOT. In Sweden, almost every staircase is winding. One of my colleagues once said if there were a staircase like that in America, there would be a table at the bottom with lawyers seated, waiting for people to fall down the stairs and sue.

My inspiration for this? The "belated" birthday card. I might have missed a friend's birthday (ahem) so I was looking in the card section for LATE birthday wishes. Then, I remembered to look for "belated". Why so proper? It's RIDICULOUS!! At physical therapy, when they put heat on my back, they give me a little bell to ring if it gets too hot. Only in America. The extreme warnings on coffee cups - "BE CAREFUL OF HOT LIQUID". Only in America. The 9000 side effects of every drug during the commercials. You get the point...

I am so glad that Maaaahk and Dan fell below the yellow line. But, once again, Dan fucked up. A smarter person would have lobbied with the girls - don't vote me off and I'll team up with you two. But noooooo, PRIDE ON THREE had to win out. And the big fat guy, Roger, also stupid. Vote off a brother!! Now, if he falls below with a brother, he's screwed. AND, don't think the brothers won't turn on Roger in a heartbeat if he falls below. He's the only one who can beat them. These guys are IDIOTS. PRIDE ON THREE.


Leah said...
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Leah said...

I wish that I watched BL, just so that I could comment appropriately on your blog... only in America.

xinaeve said...

i love the "might" insertion, as in "i might have missed a friend's b-day". Very reminiscent of Yutzie's "maaaaaaaaaybe". AND i love that i was the inspiration for this week's entry... although i'm still waiting on that belated b-day card. As for BL, i feel like i haven't seen an episode in ages- is my DVR failing me or hasn't it been on??? Hate the bros, love Betty Sue (even though she's not still on).