Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaackkkk from Sveden

Ok - I've been trying to "catch up" since my return from Sweden. I have a lot to catching up to do - especially on TV!! But, I'll get to that in a second. First, I would like to discuss the "lie-down" room in Sweden, which I love (and used). It is a LAW that on every floor, there is a little room containing a cot - I think it's officially called a "first-aid" room, but I call it the "lie-down" room and I LOVE it.

I think it's somewhat unacceptable that employees are expected to travel 6000 miles (not exaggerating), lose 6 hours and somehow manage to work 10-hour days for the following week. It's especially difficult because the food (other than chocolate) in Sweden is terrible so, in addition to being exhausted and working ridiculous hours, we are malnourished. Which brings me to the toilet paper, or should I say SAND paper. The Swedish TP has one bumpy side and one smooth side. I have to say, I'm using the word "smooth" rather lightly, considering the smooth side is the sand paper side.

Other Swedish ridiculosities - the bathroom contains a shower with no "lip". In other words, the entire bathroom is a shower. There is a little bit of a "slope" in the shower area but it simply doesn't cut it. So, in some hotels, they provide a squeegee (sp?) for obvious reasons. In other hotels, like the one I was in this time, they just expect you not to enter the bathroom for a few hours after showering, I guess. Ridiculous.

I love the Swedes, though. The people are great and the chocolate is great and even though it's FREEZING, it's nice to visit a country so blatantly different from ours. And I'm not just talking about uncircumsized penises :)


Meredith said...

The ending of that blog was definitely a "gotcha".

xinaeve said...

I'm actually surprised that you, of all people, being a fellow TP snob and all, are not bringing your own TP to Sweeden and have resigned to sanding your ass. Remember our Charmin v. Cottonelle feuds? Which were usually resolved by whoever could find a better coupon?