Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Holy Shit

Am I really getting MAAAAAAWIED to a woman in 3 days?? We are both in a bit of shock that this is actually happening. We are now in CT and there are like 9000 people coming to celebrate us?? I am in shock.

In other news, I am really glad gymnastics is finally over. I am SO sick of Bella (isn't that a character on Days of Our Lives?) and the little girl with her chest puffed out and the men with Popeye arms.

I'm not so into track and field - the poor chick who hit the hurdle and lost the gold at the last second. Meanwhile, the irony of Costas...they interviewed "hurdle" - I believe her name is LoLo after the race and she was very gracious. A few minutes later, they showed her in the "tunnel" beneath the stadium. Costas' comment, "Lolo, under the stadium and away from the cameras, now lets her emotions go" - yes, he is saying this as we are blatantly watching her on tv, clearly UNDER the watchful eye of the camera. Ridiculous.

Imagine training for 4 years (or 24 years) for an event that lasts 15 seconds and losing the gold medal because you trip over a hurdle in your excitement. That SUCKS!! Ah, the heartbreak of sports....


terrible said...

you are absolutely getting married in three days and i don't know about you and julie, but the rest of us are getting pretty darn excited...i think i just finished off an entire bag of sweet potato chips in my excitement.
umm, i missed costas' comment but cracked up for about ten minutes (mouth filled with chips) while reading it. poor lolo. she's pretty cute, though, so she'll still get some pretty sweet endorsement deals despite the loss, or maybe actually because of the loss.

Meredith said...

Yeah, LOLO is SET. Although it was pretty heartbreaking after all that.
Bella is Belle. You might remember that she is named after IsaBELLa, John's first love. She was great before they switched actresses and then became awful. So awful that they sent her away on a sailboat for a year after they killed Sean Brady. (I watch at the gym during lunch, so I am so Days these days.)
I can't wait for you to be commited......