Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Quickie From Portland

Ok - I just read some comments which are hysterical so I thought I should briefly chime in but I don't have much time...

First of all, I don't like banana ANYTHING. I hate the way bananas ruin everything they touch (sort of like grapefruits). I hate the way bananas permeate every smoothie on the face of the earth. I hate the way you automatically KNOW if there is banana in anything. Mostly, Ihate the way bananas sound and look when people are eating them. Mushy and squishy and always causing pastiness. I HATE BANANAS. If I had to eat banana anything, it would be the runt, I guess, but it's not happening.

I did watch the first episode of BL and I did catch the end of GoRam inspiring some tearful letters. I was definitely crying. I didn't even know the story and I was touched. I was flipping between that and Intervention so I didn't really catch the whole thing.

As far as BL goes, once again, they have some people who just aren't fat enough. Are they racist on BL? The blacks are always the first to go! I am happy they didn't put the black people in the brown outfits this time. I love the girl who isn't that fat and her huge, unhealthy dad. They are such a better choice than last season's Archie bunker. And why does there ALWAYS have to be a "Paahk the caaaah"? Can we avoid that for one season, dammit??

The jury is still out on brown. I don't like the "I worked really hard and I don't have to ask anyone for anything" although I'm sure his wife was behind the scenes making alliances, but there is something about the chick that I like. I like father and son but what is up with the people who are so unhealthy they can't even exercise this year?? I mean, COME ON. If this is the case, they should start letting on "half ton man", etc.

Will comment more when I see more. I am SO SIKED TV is back. Gotta go bathe and give someone a "performance warning". I'm THRILLED.

1 comment:

terrible said...

I think you are a fruitist! Anti-peach, now anti-banana...when will it stop?

Once again it is like you are speaking in tongues when the subject of reality tv comes up - I have no idea what the hell you are talking about, but I love it all the same! And you are right, they always have to have a pahk the cah, which is ridiculous! When did they become a minority group? It's basically like in every made-for-tv grouping, there has to be a few blacks, an asian, sometimes a hispanic, a gay man (except for on Top Chef, then there's two gay women), rarely but sometimes an indian (but never an american indian, it's always an indian from India), and then a pahk the cah. Well, I grew UP in Boston and only about 2% of the population THERE even speaks like that, so the ratios are WAY off.
I realize I am overusing the CAPITALS, but had to make a point.