Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Has anybody else noticed that the new judge always asks and answers questions during her critique?

Was it a great song? No.
Do you look beautiful? Yes
Do you have the best voice in the competition? No.
Do you wear tight pants? YES (if you are Adam or the pretty boy)
But you still did a good job of being true to yourself....

And I LOVE that Simon was calling Lil, Little. Not to be confused with Lillian.

And I just love Allison....period.

OH - and I HATE country music.

And on BL - i HATE Helen. And the tirade by Fillipe was ABSURD.
Is Jillian a better trainer? Yes
Did you lose more weight when you were training with her? Yes
Is Bob as gay as Jilian? Yes.
But you are an asshole and you need to blame somebody other than the chicken fingers and tequila shots for not losing weight.

And why does Sione think he's Mohammed Ali???


Meredith said...

Do I love when people ask and answer their own questions when they speak? Yes.

terrible said...

Do I as well?

Do I like the new judge?

But is she better than Paula?
Yes, on every level.

Is Kris Allen the cutest?

Should Allison win?
Yes, although I wouldn't mind it if the howler won.

Does Matt aka Justing Timberlake aka the guy from Coldplay look like Jennifer Garner?