Monday, March 2, 2009

Jason is a DICK

Ok - just to put this in perspective....I am having my throat slit tomorrow morning (maybe, if I am lucky) and I just HAD to blog about Jason.

I understand that maybe the "feelings weren't there" but did he have to dump her at "after the final rose"? And go back to Molly immediately on TV? AWFUL. The line, "You are such a bastard" was amazing and while it may prevent Melissa from becoming the next bachelorette (as well as the stretchy pants that were really shorts), I still love the line. Although I am getting a little tired of the "runner-up" sitting in the chair and knowing exactly how the new runner-up is feeling.

This is a whole new era in Bachelor history - now, all runner-ups are going to hope for a repeat of Jason's "after the final rose".

And can we discuss the HAIR on Molly? And how easily she took him back? And how ugly his tie was? Not to be confused with TY the son who is also somewhat ugly. And I feel ok saying that about the poor kid because with all of the hoopla, I thought the big twist was going to be that THAI had died. And then it was just that he was dumping Melissa for Molly.


And I CANNOT believe that long face top chef was a model and I can't believe she let that shoddy season 3 runner up (or whatever season she was) ruin her final meal by convincing her to cook shit she never would have cooked. what a DISASTER. but at least stefan didn't win. And.....the first Jewish TC winner, no??

I have to mention Kalai Kalama from AI because he was just AWFUL. TERRIBLE. I can't get over how bad he was and, at the same time, can't get over how GOOD the chick with the pink hair was. I actually voted for her. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

1 comment:

terrible said...

I am SO upset I missed my window on this blog entry, because I had things to SAY. Of course, I have since forgotten all of them.

But to bring the subject to a more contemporary level, GO MELISSA!!!! on DWTS. While I haven't actually watched it, I inexplicably read about it every Tuesday morning, like clockwork.