Monday, December 7, 2009

What? You don't believe I'm back??

I guess I need to put in a few posts before my faithful readers will believe I am back!!

Ok - I'm not sure how many of you are football fans but I have a few questions (go Yanks!!). OOPS! I digress. I realize that these guys might not be the classiest fellows out there, but can we please address some of the unacceptable blowing off of appearance? It's not fair, really - football, (besides maybe hockey) is really the only sport where these guys can hide behind a helmet. Most of these guys take great care of their bodies - why not let it extend to the face? And in the case of some of the unfortunate (Jerry Rice, anyone named Manning), I understand that they can't help the face they might have been dealt at birth, but what about some of the other things that these guys CAN fix?

I applaud the players who are wearing adult braces (like Brett Favre, who I also love for his Vicodin addiction). It looks ridiculous for a little while, but is SO worth it in the long run. I love the players who just "live up" - T.O. - say what you will about him, he is HOT and he has a great body. DeMarcus Ware - he totally lives up! So why am I writing all of this today? I feel the need to write, not just because of the bad teeth or, even worse, YELLOW teeth, but because of Drew Brees (is that how you spell his name?) I am very upset about the mole (?), monstrosity on his face. Can't he get it removed?? He is on an undefeated team now and is getting much more camera time, and he needs to consider the female, football-watching public. Drew - when you take your helmet off, we expect to see that you have made every possible effort to look good! REMOVE THE MONSTROSTIY.

On another note entirely, although I might consider using his services if the disregard for mole maintenance continues, does anyone watch Dexter? I love it!! I am SO not a fan of his 12 pound sister although I love her for going black (and for her name) but hate her again for going BACK TO OLD. That is just SO unrealistic. I love the fact that I feel bad for a murderer who accidentally murdered an innocent man. I don't have any feelings for the innocent man, but I really want to forgive Dex for killing the wrong guy! I mean, he has a baby and he's exhausted and he's tracking creepy Lithgow, who is just awful in every role he has ever played (even hated him on ER, for crying out loud).

Alright - will keep trying to be faithful to the blog...


Jackson5 said...

Alan Alda was on ER not Lithgow. As much as you want Lithgow to have been on ER...sorry it never happened.

xinaeve said...

You've never been a fan of the facial mole- in fact you've been known to instigate several removals in your I'm not surprised at all! And is there someone named Bailey I should know about? Whatever happened to the name Jackson? And what do you think about the name Troy? It came to me last night in a dream I had about Polamalu.

terrible said...

What is Polamalu? It sounds Hawaian.