Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sorry if you ain't a sports fan but...

First of all, I'm glad that the entire world (Ok, country - nobody in the rest of the world watches AMERICAN football) had to see the Redskins play. As residents of the DC metro area, we have to watch the Skins every week. And they SUCK. Last night, they sucked on National television. They have so many things not going for them, not the least of which is that their quarterback doesn't "live up". He definitely does not qualify as a "DC HB".

But, what is upsetting me today is the Yanks. My Yanks. First of all, I don't understand why they need to make 9000 changes to their roster when they won the World Series last year. They promptly got rid of Matsui because they "want to get younger". Ok - I can understand that but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have won it without him. But this latest move today, trading away Melky, is not a good omen. And the reason? Melky is "heart and soul".

A few years ago (ok, maybe 10 years ago), I played on a softball team and we were good. We didn't have all of the best players and yes, it was slow pitch softball, but we were good!! We won our little league and qualified for a tournament. When it came time for the tourney to start, the "coach" called every good softball player he knew, and they invaded our roster. The thing that killed me was when he benched his own brother! Now...he wasn't the best player on the team, but he was "heart and soul". Needless to say, we promptly lost all of our games on the first day and we didn't have any fun.

Now, this is what worries me about them getting rid of Melky. First of all, Robinson Cano is not going to be happy about losing his boyfriend! Who doesn't love watching them scream at each other in Spanish when something good happens? And Melky is adorable. He's not HOT, and he's not a superstar, but he is "heart and soul" on the Yanks, and I'm afraid they might have walked into a chemistry issue. And come on...no matter how well Vazquez(?) pitched in 2009, is it smart to bring back the guy who lost game 7 to the Sawx a few years ago? I'm nervous.

Now, I don't want to disappoint any non-baseball fans, which is the majority of my readers SO...did anyone watch "Sing Off"? I got sucked in last night and I have to admit, I sort of loved it. I didn't love Nick Lachey being reduced to Sing-Off host, or the Tufts version of the Colgate 13 almost winning a recording contract, but I did enjoy the singing. And I totally was rooting for "Nota", the group from Puerto Rico. It was funny - growing up outside of Hartford, there were a good number of Puerto Ricans going to the Hartford public schools. As we got older, it became unacceptable to use the term "Puerto Rican" to describe all Hispanics. It's sort of like how our parents call all Asians "Orientals", which is totally unacceptable. I digress but how can I not mention my dad at a restaurant with my brother, ordering sushi. He politely looked up at the waitress and asked, "Is the sushi made by an Oriental?" My brother was mortified. I think it is hilarious!! Anyway, I was slightly uncomfortable unabashedly rooting for the Puerto Ricans but heck - they were from Puerto Rico! It's actually very similar to the way I am uncomfortable calling my customers Chinese - I often refer to them as "from China" Chinese, so as to avoid confusion.

I am really looking forward to AI - it has been forever since Adam didn't win. I will say that Adam is perhaps the only artist whose album I would buy. Yes - ALBUM - I love his voice. And where the hell is Kris Allen? I think he's hanging out with Taylor gray hair can't remember his last name. Do you think Taylor would have had the same results as Danny if he were to color his hair? I definitely think he would NOT look better as gray. Grey? What's the difference? Is it just the difference between a color and Meredith Grey, or is there a color grey? If there is a color grey, and it is different from gray, they should use it on the Biggest Loser.

My deepest and sincerest apologies about the mushroom misunderstanding. And the Lithgow thing, although I did realize that the giant alien chick WAS on ER as a head nurse for a while, no? I'm bummed because there are NO food shows on. For a while, we had Top Chef, Top Chef Masters AND Hell's Kitchen and now I am reduced to looking forward to Chopped, which really isn't that good, but at least it's a cooking competition!

Ok - happy holidays to all!! Which is worse - (a question for the jews) - somebody wishing you a Merry Christmas or someone catching themselves and saying Happy Hannukah instead? It's like me wishing a Christian Shana Tovah, I mean OOPS - Happy Halloween!! I hate when people try to turn Hannukah into a Jewish Christmas. Are you getting a Hannukah bush this year? NO - there is no such thing!! Is Hannukah Harry coming to give presents this year? NO - there is no such thing! It's ok that jews don't celebrate Christmas - the best thing you can do - say Happy New Year and give us some Christmas presents wrapped in blue paper. Beacause...even though we don't celebrate Christmas, everyone likes presents!! I'm not bitter.

GO BOYS!!!!!

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