Saturday, May 22, 2010


We must have addressed it at some point!! I love it - and I love that he finally got together with the chick who has a big nose but who I find oddly attractive. I love that he loves Vicodin. I love that he knows EVERYTHING. I love that he knows the little Jewish guy is going to cheat on his wife before he does. Is Wilson really from "And the band played on" or was it "In the Gloaming"? Wasn't In The Gloaming THE WORST?? I loved the finale - and I love that the chick who was trapped underground loved House and would rather have his obnoxious wit with her when she died than anyone else. I have the same theory with surgeons - if the bedside manner sucks, he/she is probably a good surgeon! You have to take the good with the bad...

Thank God Sandra won. I was so anti-POVERTY although, in the season of the dumbest moves EVER, her move to give one idol to Jerri and one to Sandra was absolutely brilliant. And how is it possible for Jeff Probst's dimples to become MORE pronounced every year? Does he get dimple implants or something? Or, would those be explants?

GO BOWERSOX!!!!! I am not as enthralled with her as I was a few weeks ago and I think that Lee deserves to be in the final, but I have issues with a guy named Lee. Or a girl named Lee, for that matter. I have NOT seen Lost in weeks but I plan to catch up soon. So don't tell me.

Did anybody see Grey's Anatomy?? OMG (I hate when people use OMG - I much prefer WTF) - but seriously - that episode was shocking. I'm glad that short-haired Mercy West chick is dead and I'm glad the big ugly dude is dead. I wish "I love Derek" was dead and I kind of wish Alex was dead. Do you realize that Lexi is probably named Alexis, making that couple Alex and Alexis? Let's be real - who would ever pick Alex over HOT Sloan? I am even shocked that the lesbian picked the hot blonde, Arizona, over Sloan, even though she prefers chicks. I am also quite glad they didn't kill off the hot black dude with green eyes, or half black. He is hot - is he hotter than Sloan? Hmmmmmm.....


Leah said...

Hmmm, where to start with the comments....
That was THE BEST grey's I've ever seen. I used to laugh at all of the "grey's fanatics" and mock those who referred to the doctor's as "mcsteamy etc). I thought they were ridiculous. Then, when Jonathan started travelling I would rent, like, an entire season and watch it in a weekend. When I finally caught up I was so desperate to watch the new season that I bought a few episodes on iTunes (gasp!) to catch up. This is the first time that I've actually had to wait to see the next season and I am SO glad there aren't any cliffhangers.
The first few minutes of that episode put me on the edge of my seat and I stayed there for 2 hours (except when I got up for a beer to calm my nerves). I even said to Jonathan that it was as good as any E.R. except for the one where the helicopter fell on that asshole doctor.
I'm afraid I am going to be let down with Lost tonight. It's probably going to suck. I really hope I'm wrong.
So Deb, what shows are you following this summer?

Krissy said...

Lexie is short for Alexandra, so your Alex/Alex statement still stands, I just wanted you to be accurate. ;) I loved the season finale too.

I can't wait to hear what you are going to say about the end of Lost.

Hells Kitchen returns June 1st. Woo hoo.