Friday, March 4, 2011


Ok - I am VERY upset that Robbie (Robby?) Rosen was sent packing. I had no idea they were sending everybody home on day 1!! My disappointment is ALMOST allayed by the fact that the flaming tomato and CLINT are gone - I'm so glad Clint is gone!! Those GLASSES!! But I really think Robbie should have made the cut. Is it me, or is there some kind of Latin/Gospel flair to this season's top 13? Is that the J-LO contribution?

I HATE Steven Tyler as a judge. First of all, and I know this is a serious stretch, but he reminds me of Dr. Sloan - does anybody see that? He has that casual, slow voice thing going on. He makes NO sense and he is WAY too nice as a judge. I didn't think it would matter all that much, but I seriously miss Simon. And I am happy that the cleaning lady made it through, but not at the expense of Robbie!!

I guess I am firmly in the corner of Casey and Tourets with room for big-assed Lauren. I think she actually might win but if she goes down the country road, I am NOT going to be a fan. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the deep voiced dude, probably because I HATE HATE HATE country music. It's AWFUL! I love that they compared Lauren to Pickler and she had the grace not to be appalled publicly - good move, kid!! I sort of love Stefano also, and not because he is the namesake of Days of Our Lives greatest villain, but because he is adorable and has a good voice. But he took Robbie's spot!! Oy.

Anyway - TOP CHEF!! I love it! Can Antonia pull it off? Can Carla pull it off? Can somebody please send Mike home? He just strikes me as dirty (kind of like Alex on Grey's). There has been a lot of attention spent on his burping and farting and spitting - yuck!! I don't think Tiffany has a snowball's chance in hell of winning but I still like her - I just want a woman to win!! I think Antonia has the best shot -she has been kicking ass lately. And why didn't they bring her daughter to the Ellis Island reunion? And the Bahamas? Really? Is that the best they could do? What is "Bahamian cuisine" - CONCH? (AKA CONK)?

I haven't watched any more Survivor yet, and I am behind on this week's BL episode and this is the week I HATE when it comes to the Bachelor. Screw the "women tell all" - tell me who he picked!!!

OOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKK - it's nice to have my shows back...where are the fans??


terrible said...

Top 5! Top 5! That was such a given - they couldn't send someone home for a meal made of pure family love! Antonia can make it and of course Carla is also a contender although weirdly, I still think of her as an underdog even though she's won like 90% of the challenges! Mike has GOT TO GO, even if he is Antonia's cuz. I feel like he smells a little. Not a lot, but a little.

Brad needs to pick Chantal. If he chooses Barbie, they will just become the world's most creepily boring couple, don't you think? The kind of couple where if you were invited to their house for dinner the conversation would be all polite and formal and smiley and Brad would only talk about the new grill and Emily would only talk about her daughter and you'd leave and be like, "Thank GOD we're out of there!"

Leah said...

I always lose interest in American Idol once it's down to 12. or whatever. I haven't watched in a few weeks, so I have no comment. I also can't stand The Bachelor. I'm sorry. I also don't watch BL. Hmmmmm. I think we have a problem. I miss your airport stories. I'm about the take the kid to Colorado and I'm hoping I don't have any stories. One of the good things about kids on a plane, is I know who I am sitting next to and they are at the point where I can actually read or nap on the plane and they will entertain themselves! yeah! So, more travel stories please....
Wait. I actually did watch part of an episode of Top Chef yesterday. I like Carla. It was the Target/Sesame Street episode. Lily was home sick and we watched them make the cookies. She thought it was hilarious.

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