Sunday, January 20, 2008

Celebrity Addiction

I think I have a new favorite show. AND, along with it, a new favorite "celebrity" and DEFINITELY a new least favorite "celebrity". I have to put celebrity in quotes because Jessica Sierra and Fat Baldwin don't count as celebrities. If you have seen this show, you might be wondering why I am not picking "Jeff" as the least favorite celebrity, but to me, he is just a poor man's Ozzy Ozborne. Fat Baldwin, on the other hand, is SO annoying. Listen, dumbass, you are in the treatment facility because you are an addict. Stop trying to be treating everybody!! And claiming that you have some metabolized cocaine in your system for some obscure reason other than the fact that you used cocaine...

Has anyone seen this show? It's on VH1 and it's Dr. "Drew" - why can't he use his last name like other doctors? It's not like he's treating children. Anyway, it's him and a bunch of obscure celebrities who are trying to survive rehab. I love Jessica Sierra (of American Idol fame) and I'll tell you why. I liked her during Idol and I remember Simon saying she had no heart in her music (or something to that effect). But, she has a great voice. Turns out, her mother was an addict and had killed herself during the taping of American Idol. SO, not only does she have heart, but she was going through an insanely traumatic experience while trying to win a stupid (tho very entertaining) singing contest. Not to be confused with Fantasia, who used every bit of her "hard life" aka "I got pregnant as a teenager and became a teenage mom" to further her success on the show. HATE Fantasia, LOVE Sierra.

I also am APPALLED by Mary Carey (sp?), the porn star who not only insists on wearing provocative clothes and hitting on almost every man in the place (with the exception of Jeff who can't stand up or speak), but also finds it necessary to rip farts on television and then blame it on "rehab food". Although I do have to say that the fart sort of endeared her to me. The flashing of the ass to "Seth", whoever that is, was not a good moment for her.

Ok - check out this show - it's hilarious...


Anonymous said...

Love Jessica too! Dislike Jeff more than Baldwin but am not fond of either. They both seem to be hogging the screentime. Slight clarification on the AI stuff regarding Jessica. Simon actually loved her voice - said that on several occasions, including after the finale - BUT he didn't think she was likeable and said that to her the night before she left the show. Told her point blank she wasn't likeable...which was a low blow regardless, but given what we know now, especially so. Amazing how neither she nor the show ever mentioned this frankly dramatic back story, yet the next year we learned all about Pickler's bleak background.

Meredith said...

Who's Beth?
I'm watching Celebrity right now. I love to look Dr. Drew gives fat Baldwin when he starts proselytizing to the other addicts. Like - "who do you think you are? I'm the DOCTOR here. Also, shut the f up."