Friday, January 11, 2008


I have soooo much to say and I don't know where to begin. It's a funny thing about traveling...I'm sitting in the airport bar, FINALLY. It's 630 PM, my flight was at 455, I was hoping to get the 140 into Reagan and now I'm on the 454 to Dulles (yes, I did say that it is 630). The 454 is not taking off until 7. Supposedly. And it's a United flight even though I was originally on USAIR. I thought I was being a savvy traveler (which I was accused of being by the usair chick, they are now lower-case) but I ended up getting screwed. And I want to talk about it but I won't forget about it while I will forget about the Asian chick sitting beside me with the blatantly gay guy across from her who just mentioned his "wife" and is shamelessly kissing her (Joyce the Asian) ass. This just came out of his mouth (please insert gay man voice), "Don't burn your bridges(th)...." I also just noticed, as if I had any doubt in my mind, that he is drinking white wine (not that there's anything wrong with that). Joyce, on the other hand, is drinking some sort of dark beer. I love it.

She also has a trace of an accent which suggests she wasn't born in America. Now, being in the science world, I see lots of "not from America" people. In fact, some of them speak their own language. For example, my Swedish colleagues speak "Swenglish". My former Chinese coworker speaks "Liyinglish". Which, by the way, is my favorite!! This chick beside me is Liying gone right. (I can use Liying's full name because it is the name of approximately 97% of Chinese women - polite). Anyway, Liying moved to America, has a couple of sons, worked in a lab but now has started her own company and somehow STILL has managed not to speak acceptable English and has used her American status to put on a few pounds. In addition, she still plays the role of Chinese wife to her husband, doing all of the cooking and cleaning and raising of kids while still playing the role of American wife, starting her own business. In other words, she has embraced the worst of both worlds...

Joyce (my neighbor here at the bar), on the other hand, has the best of both worlds. Her English has but a trace of a Chinese accent. She obviously has changed her name. I have heard enough of her conversation with the flaming ass kisser to know that she is the VP of whatever company she basically runs. She has held on to her slim frame, is wearing sneakers (another appropriate American embrace or is it a Chinese carryover?) and is drinking a dark beer. I LOVE her.

usair (lowercase), on the other hand, SUCKS. But, I'll have to discuss that later because I have to leave and pretend that I'm boarding my UNITED flight to Dulles.


Leah said...

Flying is the worst. It doesn't matter where to or wher from. Jona wonders why i get stressed when travelling with him and the kids. If anything goes wrong I usually end up crying because I'm SO mad and frustrated AND dealing with bored children and idiots who can't help you one bit. And then Jona has the audacity sometimes to ask me if we should get bumped which means driving home with the kids (or going to a hotel with them) and doing it ALL again the next day and not knowing if that flight is going to go anywhere. What sucks now, is that when we are delayed, I can't even go to the airport bar, I get to go to the play area. wow, i just vented on your blog. love you!

xinaeve said...

OK, I think Leah definitely wins. Next time I fly I'm going to think of Leah, delayed, sober, and in the play area and then try to feel sorry for myself (which I'm sure I'll still be able to do, but it may stave off my irate-ness for awhile :)