Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Insomnia SUCKS

I'm not sure if you can check the time of this entry but believe me, it is an unacceptable hour to be awake. Is there anything worse than sleep deprivation? Before you answer this question, think about 2 things. First, the Nazis and other war "prisoner-holders" used sleep deprivation to torture their prisoners. Second, think back to the movie, "A Clockwork Orange" and remember when they prodded the guy's eyelids open with toothpicks for torture? It tortured me just to watch it. In fact, I'm thinking that movie might have led to my insomnia!

Those of you who may wonder how I have time to write this blog, work and have a life...well, it's not just about extreme efficiency. Not sleeping leaves a person with a lot of time on her hands. And what better thing to do with that time than make my friends (and some people I don't even know) laugh a little.

You know what I really hate? I hate when people try to advise me on how to treat the insomnia. I have been to every doctor in the book, had acupuncture, biofeedback, hypnosis and probably other shit I don't even remember. I have tried every sleeping pill in the book. The best one BY FAR, by the way, is Ambien. But, sleeping pills don't really work. They help you fall asleep because they cut back on the anxiety associated with knowing you have insomnia AND, they affect your short-term memory. SO, you will fall asleep and when you wake up, even though you may have woken during the night, you won't remember that you did, so you think you slept. That would explain why people wake up with a "hangover" after taking a sleeping pill.

Also, have you heard about the people who "sleep-eat"? It's ridiculous. Basically, they wake up in the middle of the night after taking a sleeping pill and go down to the kitchen and pig out. The next day, they find the evidence of the sleep-eating but don't remember anything. Ringing endorsement for sleeping pills, isn't it?

I HATE the commercials (yes, I know we've been through this before). Rozerem, the one with Abe Lincoln and other weird historical people sitting at the guy's kitchen table - I don't even get it. But I do know one thing. Rozerem SUCKS as sleeping pills go. The worst.

I also hate the people who suggest things like a warm bath or a warm glass of milk (YUK) or soft, soothing music. My latest regimen consists of listening to my hypnotist's cd made the last time I saw her followed by (if I make it, which I usually do) a cd of waves crashing on the shore of the beach. I usually fall asleep to the waves but not tonight!! Tonight, I made it through both and then took a sleeping pill before coming downstairs to write this. As you can tell, the sleeping pill is working wonders!!

Sleep deprivation SUCKS. Tomorrow is going to SUCK. Oops, I mean today.

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