Sunday, January 20, 2008


Well - since the football situation is AWFUL, I am completely dedicated to tennis now. I can't believe Favre choked as much as Romo did. And I REFUSE to root for the Patriots but I can't stand the thought of Eli winning a Super Bowl or that awful, mean coach that yelled at the kicker for missing a kick when it was about 90 degrees below zero and he probably couldn't feel his toes. SUCH a dilemma. I think I have to root Giants because if I have to see deadbeat dad Brady win more accolades, I think I will puke. Or his coach. On the other hand, I can't bear to see cry baby Eli win. FOOTBALL IS AWFUL.

On the other hand, while watching the Australian Open today, I realized that I am SO Williams/Williams now unless Davenport actually achieves her revival. Although she has always been slow and I can't imagine the "mom" is going to GAIN a step. I HATE Henin who looks like man (a very skinny man) and I'm not a Sharapova fan, mostly because of the dad, I think. So, that brings me back to the Williams sisters. Venus is much more humble these days and I think I love Serena being a beast with huge muscles, a huge ass and somehow managing to win majors while being out-of-shape. I think the best part is that Richard Williams is no longer the face of their matches. I did prefer Serena in her catsuit but I guess I'll have to live with purple biker shorts.

I won't discuss the men since Federer is blatantly better than everyone out there (except, perhaps, Nadal in the knickers on clay and anybody whose name ends in "vic"). But, really, I never thought for a second that he would lose.

It is SO baseball season now. I don't think I can even watch the Super Bowl.


Leah said...

I've always thought football was aweful.

xinaeve said...

I'm BACK! Finally done with interviews and planning to spend the next week emailing, playing Wii, and catching up on TV....not siked.

Anyways, I totally had the same dilemma re: who to root for in the 'bowl, but had to go Giants (even though they play in NJ but call themselves NY, which I find unacceptable) cuz I hate Brady and Bellacheck too. As it turned out I had a flight during the superbowl, which normally would've pissed me off but wasn't such a big deal this year since I don't like either team.

I like the Swilliams and VWilliams too, but am just bummed out that Michael Chang's father no longer shows up to root for them. AND if you need another reason to hate Sharapova: have you heard her grunting??? It's absolutely unbearable and is completely unrelated to the amount of effort and/or energy put into the shot.