Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ready to Re-visit BL

Having Xinaeve back to commenting has encouraged me to get back to active blogging. First of all, Orange mother/son (now son only) are not from Mass - they are SO midwest. And I completely agree about the +3 lbs. It should NOT count against the weigh-in the following week. Ridiculous. I have a few more things to say.

First of all, how is it that Jillian is still kicking Bob's ass when she has the WORST team ever assembled in BL history? Bob SUCKS. And, Bob is an asshole and a sore loser. If Bob were smart, he would have encouraged Dan (motherless son) to team up with Alabama football and get rid of the Masshole brothers. And, I hate to address this but, has anyone noticed that, in addition to carrying his weight SO much worse that his asshole, stress fracture older brother, Maaaahk's younger brother (whose name is escaping me) has ZITS on his TITS. Or, his tube boobs. Even Trent, who weighs about 100 lbs more than zit tits, carries his weight better. WUH.

I can't believe they voted off Trent - he was so cute and BY FAR my favorite and there for all the right reasons. And, I can't believe Maggie (Fat Camp survivor whose hair is way too long) lucked out with immunity. I KNEW she would "pull" a small number because she is the opposite of Trent - she doesn't give a SHIT about losing weight, she's all about the game. Did you see those giant earrings she wore to the weigh-in? They could have been the difference!

As much as I love Jillian, I have to say that I am a little put off by the excessive counseling occuring on this show. You are a TRAINER, not a therapist, for crying out loud. The show is about fat people losing weight - we don't need to hear about their issues. Perhaps they could focus more on how getting fat can cause you to have ZITS on your man TITS instead of how your parents' divorce can lead you "straight to the fridge". I really did not need to see these people having their therapy sessions, either. While I was glad that Jillian finally brought in a professional, it's none of our damn business that bald ex-husband had "sessions" with his dad. It's awful. I'd rather see him cry about his ex-wife's boyfriend sending her kisses.

Finally, can you believe how obnoxious Maaahk and his excessively taped shin was to Sami tonight? Ok - we know the rest of the contestants think he's an asshole (which makes it completely baffling that they didn't vote him off tonight and shows Dan and Alabama's stupidity) but for him to snap at Sami for trying to appropriately host the show?? He is SUCH a Masshole. Although, I do have to give him credit for "pulling" the numbers when he needs them... As opposed to his little brother, you know, ZIT TITS.

1 comment:

xinaeve said...

have you noticed that zit tits hasn't taken his shirt off the last couple weigh ins? SUCH the right choice when the options are to either expose your zit tits to a national audience or risk the fraction of a pound the BL wifebeater might add.