Monday, February 18, 2008

Travelin' again

Is it bad that I go back and read my own blog from time to time? Mostly, I am checking to see if anybody makes comments, but I also have to make sure I am not making any grammatical or spelling errors and maybe, just MAYBE, I crack myself up a little.

I am so tired. I have been sleeping even worse lately. I know, it's hard to believe, but I have been switching medications and since I can't go off of ANYTHING without experiencing the equivalent of heroin withdrawal, I have to take both for a little while. When I take new and old at the same time, I get too "activated" and I really can't sleep. As opposed to before, when I could sleep a couple of hours here and there. Anyway, it SUCKS and I'm exhausted, causing me to do ridiculous things.

First of all, why do scientists have such bad breath? They can chew gum just as well as the rest of the world. And usually, we are leaning over each other in close proximity - CHEW SOME GUM. Bad breath is awful.

So today, I was in the airport, getting ready to fly to NC, and I had a bite to eat at the airport restuarant. As I was eating, I had my computer on (no, not blogging...sorry). I finished up, left the restaurant and boarded the plane. When I got on the plane, I realized I didn't have my computer. SMART. I had left it sitting on the bar at the restaurant. So, I went up to the flight attendant on the tiny plane and told her I had left my computer at the restuarant, could I run out and get it? She looked alarmed and said, "Of course!" So I started sprinting off the plane when I hear, "We can't hold the plane for you!" POLITE. The airport is small - the furthest I possibly could have gone is about 20 feet. The flight is about 14 minutes long, itself and I was already alarmed. I paused, turned back in disgust, and then continued running to the restaurant, leaving all of my stuff on the plane for her to contemplate when she slammed the boarding door in my face.

Of course, none of that happened. I returned to the restaurant to find my computer calmly sitting where I had left it, in between the 2 guys who were sitting beside me when I left. My plate still had not been cleared - maybe they thought I was coming back since I had left my computer there! I grabbed the computer and ran back onto the plane, making it with roughly 4 hours to spare before the door closed. Ok - I'm exaggerating a little but jeez, couldn't the flight attendant have been a little nicer??