Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Ok - where do I begin? We had finales of BL, Top Chef, Dexter AND Glee.

Let's start with Glee, (which you all know I hate). BUT...how could I hate a show that used the following 2 comments to describe Shue, Shoe, Shew's (?) hair??

1. What happened to the guy with the Geri curl (to the OCD replacement "coach" at Sectionals)?
2. You need to work on finding a hairstyle that doesn't make you look like a lesbian!!

So much irony in this one, considering she is SUCH a lesbian on Glee AND in real life and
even played one on the L Word.

Actually, these 2 comments have made me start liking the show, I think. I am very happy that FINNnow knows he did not get QUINN pregnant by coming in a hot tub. And yes, you are right - Fat Black might not be the best leading character, but she belted out AND I AM TELLING YOU pretty well, didn't she? I am also very happy (and slightly appalled), that they made the deaf Glee team bad at singing. I can't imagine how they could have pulled that off any other way...

Oooookkkkk - Top Chef. I think I just need to re-iterate a conversation I recently had with "Terrible". I will do it in a tribute to Kara Diwhatever since American Idol is coming up. Were the brothers and Kevin (and maybe Jennifer) the best chefs on the show? Yes. Would I like to eat at Michael's restaurant? Well - yes, if I wanted to eat food that LOOKS like mushrooms but isn't mushrooms. Would I want to eat at Kevin's restaurant? YES - for food that is "simple but delicious". Did Kevin's hair look TERRIBLE after the hiatus? YES. Would I eat at Brian's restaurant? I'm not sure but certainly not sardines. And, does it make sense to serve a course in honor of your mother that contains a food your mother has never eaten? Hmmmmm... Would I eat at Jennifer's restaurant? Yes, but only sauces. I would order bread and dip it into every sauce she makes. Would Brian have won if he had made everything himself and put Jen on sauces? Hell yes! (maybe also no sardines). Ok - I do like the show quite a bit...

BL - We are all glad Danny won and we are still NOT glad that DanIEL is dating Rebecca, who looked ridiculous at the finale but, unlike Tracy, Tracey, Tracie (?), is a healthy weight with muscles, etc., and not too skinny. I hate when they get TOO skinny. How long do we think she will stay with Daniel?

Can we please address the BL proposal? Disregarding everything else, that guy (Antoine, was it?) is HOT. Why does black transition from fat to thin so much better than white? Did you see the arms on that guy? HOT! And the proposal was adorable - I think Sami even wiped a tear or two off.

What I will not miss -

Shay "NEEDING TO BE HERE". Ok, we get it, you are the heaviest contestant ever and you had a terrible life but you have a cute husband and cute kids (unlike another contestant who lost her entire family in a car accident). And when I say cute, I mean, fat black "cute", not HOT like Antoine.

Liz pining after Danny or the brown shirts. I'm glad her husband was at the finale. Maybe their problem wasn't the fact that she "takes care of everyone else and doesn't take care of herself", but that she needed to lose a few (polite). Or maybe she needs to move someplace less remote! Oy - did you see that place? Most of all, BL needs to do away with the brown shirts - it's not working for any of them. I spend at least 25% of my BL watching time trying to figure out a new shirt color for the show. Is maroon too close to red? Could they use Baby Blue or Navy Blue? Maybe we could go with Teal? Anything but Brown!!

Amanda thanking the public for voting her on to the show. Yes - you turned into a pretty face once you lost the weight (but the calves....). Does she really think she "earned" America's vote? The only reason she lasted so long on the show was that she was NO threat to Rudy and Danny. I think even Shay was a bigger threat than Amanda. I will give her credit for not dating any of the single BL men, though. Were there any left after Daniel? Maybe if the minister (who looks like a woman) had lasted longer and not left because Shay "needed to be there", Amanda could have gone after him? And America voting between Liz and Amanda - seriously, did it matter which one was up against Danny and Rudy? It was probably the most insignificant vote since Mike vs his father. Oh wait - that was last year!!

Ok - this has been a bit of an exhausting post but does anyone watch Dexter? I love Dexter. I am very upset about Rita, although I now understand why she was in Saw V and I am VERY happy that Lithgow is dead, even if he was not on ER. I mean really - is there a difference between Lithgow and Alan Alda? Was Lithgow on that Alien show with the giant woman? What was that called? I hated that show!!

Does anyone watch and/or love Tabatha??


terrible said...

Lithgow was also in "Buckaroo Banzai" AND absolutely was on the show with the giant booming-voiced woman. Also on that show was adorable from "500 Days of Summer" - the boy, not the girl. I HATE the girl. If I wasn't already terrible, I would give her that moniker.
You are SO RIGHT about the sardines... why sardines, Brian? Why? but not about the mushrooms. The mushrooms were actually mushrooms, ground up into mushroom paste, then packed into a mushroom-shaped mold in order to look like mushrooms! Michael really outdid himself there. How freaky would it be to try to spike a mushroom half with your fork only to have it mush into a smooth mushroom paste? Yikes! I wouldn't be able to eat the rest, even if I knew it was going to be a delicious taste surprise in every bite!

Unknown said...
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xinaeve said...

I'm so glad the mushrooms were addressed- Terrible's description of the process of breaking down a mushroom only to reshape it back into a fake mushroom was fabulous- after that stunt I was horrified that he won. I was so Kevin once Jen was voted off, even with that concerning new hairdo. And yes, I watch Tabatha- she's great. I also watch Survivor which is surprisingly good this season thanks to a ridiculous psychopath named Russel who has a penchant for finding immunity idols without clues. There's also a former marine lesbian with a curly mullet named Shambo, which definitely adds...