Friday, February 26, 2010

Figure Skating...

Ok - Once again, I do have to say that I love the Olympics. I'm still upset that Kwan never won her gold medal and Hamilton still claims to be straight (which is ridiculous - what straight guy would nearly wet his pants at the performance of TWO triple axels (axle?) performed by a woman in the sports program)?? What other guy, period? I'm still livid that Kerrigan got clubbed by Tonya Harding and didn't they still let Harding skate? I'm more outraged at that occurence than the fact that Kerrigan's brother might have killed her father...patricide. Hmmmm.

Ok - did anyone watch the skating last night? I had no intention of watching but I LOVE watching the aerials - those guys/girls are NUTS and then I somehow managed to get sucked into the cross country skiing (!) - in my defense, USA was about to go 1-2 (but still, cross country skiing!) and then skating was on afterward and they showed the nervous teenagers, including the rival Japanese and Korean and the poor Canadian whose mother died 2 seconds ago. So...I felt I had to watch!

And...I actually rooted for the Korean (although I did love both Americans). I hate KOREA after watching this "situation", but I love that beautiful, graceful teenage Korean who would have been SHUNNED by her country if she didn't bring home gold. Did anybody really want her to be shunned?? I also was appalled by the Japanese chick who, although landing, in the words of flaming Hamilton, "THE FIRST THREE TRIPLE AXELS PERFORMED BY A FEMALE IN OLYMPIC COMPETITION!!!!!!", got crushed by the Korean chick and could not have been a less gracious loser (SLASH winner of the silver). Here she is on the podium, standing in between, "I'm not going to get shunned" and "My mother died 2 seconds ago so I'm bawling on my bronze" and she couldn't even muster up a smile! Apparently, there is some risk of her also getting shunned since Japan and Korea hate each other but, come on, she LANDED ALL THOSE TRIPLE AXELS, don't shun her!! I still hate the skating judges, but I did get sucked in.

As for AI, I am NOT surprised to see thsoe that went home. I'm siked that 70s mess went home, and I really don't care that the adorable but terrible singer is still around and I still love Andrew Garcia and the girl with the yellow teeth whose teeth are suspiciously not AS yellow but still not much to look at. I haven't decided how I feel about Ellen as a judge but I am certain she should not wear white on white on white!

Ok - Olympics are almost over. How could I forget?? I LOVE that the Canadian chicks hockey team got in trouble for bringing their raucous celebration onto the ice last night!! LOVE IT.


terrible said...

HOly Lord. You are back with a VENGEANCE!!! How have I missed your updates for the past MONTH!? WHAT have I been DOING??? OK, enough with the capitals and exclamations. I watched the Korean win her gold just before lunch today and cried because it was so perfect and she would not return to her country to be shunned. Of course that's better than getting tortured/imprisoned/exiled, which is what I suspect happens to the Chinese, Russians, and the North Koreans. Even though they're all awful, I ALWAYS root for the countries where the athletes will be punished if they lose, as opposed to the countries where the athletes will still get multimillion dollar endorsement deals even if they suck, just because they're cute or "have personality". Anna Kournikova, for example (cute, not personality). Not that she's been in the olympics, and I don't even think she's an american, but you get the idea. She sucks, but she's famous AND not getting punished.
Plus, the Korean SO obviously deserved to win - she was 1 million times better than the Japanese, who in turn was one million times better than Jowannie, who in turn was 10 million times better than any of the terrible Americans. They said that this is the first time an American hasn't won a medal since the 60's, and that was because the entire team got wiped out in a plane crash a few months before the Olympics. Now that's terrible!
And where was Sasha Cohen? What happened to her? The Olympics just isn't the same without that little bitchy diva! I love her and the fact that she can do a vertical split WHILE skating backwards!

Krissy said...

What is this about the Kerrigan patricide?

Thanks for the updates on AI. I don't watch the show so when people talk about it, I steal (then cite) your comments.