Thursday, February 11, 2010


I don't understand how it's possible that I lived in CNY and dealt with this kind of snow every day. The only reasons I can think that it's so overwhelming is

A) I have a house with a leaky basement

B) They have 3 plows in VA and in the week of blizzards, have yet to plow our street

C) I have a driveway and have to shovel

D) I can't get drunk and high and pretend it's fun!

I don't know why I chose A-D and not 1-4, but let's just leave it at that. The snow is beautiful and the dogs are ADORABLE in the snow, but I also hate the snow.

One thing the snow has allowed is much television watching so I have a LOT to say. I even got sucked into Survivor, Heroes vs. Villains and I kind of LOVED it. I'm glad "Sugar" is gone because she was ridiculous although I loved that she crossed the finish line without her top in the first challenge and then flipped 2 fingers to the bitch who undid her top. Who would undo her top?? And I don't have all of the names down yet but why the hell is the blonde guy villain wearing various inappropriate and appalling forms of underwear?? They've all been on Survivor before, they all know about the clothing "situation", and some of them chose to wear appropriate clothing. Boston Rob and "hot gravedigger" both have appropriate board shorts. But that dude?? What is he thinking?

And how could they be SO bad at puzzle-doing? I think what I learned today is not that the Heroes picked the wrong people to do the puzzle but, the Heroes are stupid. And the Villains are smart. And even though I find myself rooting for the heroes (for now), they are stupid. And when did Boston Rob become such a genius?

I'm not sure I can venture into all of the other tv although I loved that BL went to Olympic training camp to work out and find it ridiculous that Bob insinuated that he and Jillian are better trainers than the Olympic trainers. Or, that the food they were being fed with all nutrtional information was too confusing for them and they needed the food at the ranch. No wonder they all got so fat!

And I LOVE that the red bitch got voted off, or red-lined off. And it was not lost on me that she was firmly in the BOB camp and loves Bob and blah blah blah but, as usual, Bob the great trainer is not going to be the trainer of the winner. And people that commit to Bob and only Bob end up going home. As much as I was not a fan of Helen last year, she was smart enough to go to Jillian when she had a choice and alas! She won. (Where does alas fit into the ridiculous words/sayings)?

Ok - I have much more tv to get to - Jake having his heart broken for one, but I have a little thing I need to discuss. What is proper etiquette for blowing off a phone call that immediately follows a texting flurry? For example, Jim and Jane are texting back and forth for 30 minutes. Jim decides he doesn't want to type any more and calls Jane. Jane doesn't want to talk to Jim - she wanted to text him! She puts him into voicemail. Should Jim be offended? Is Jane obligated to come up with an excuse like, "I'm in a meeting, can't talk now (BUT I CAN TEXT)". Or, "I'm on a conference call and clearly can text but can't take a call". Or, does she stop texting and pretend at the exact moment he called, she went to the bathroom, or left the room, or hit a dead spot? Does she send Jim to voicemail or does she let it ring a few times to "prove" that she isn't anywhere near her phone even though she was texting 2 seconds ago?

On the flip side, of somebody calls and you don't pick up...don't feel like talking, and then they immediately text you, do you respond? Or do you wait 10 or 20 minutes before responding? (I got sick of Jim and Jane). If you do respond to the text, are you obligated to explain why you didn't answer the phone 2 seconds ago?

I am firmly in the camp of the non-answerer (ok, yes, I am a bit of a non-answerer). If you and I are texting and you want to call me, (other than right after I text you something SHOCKING), you have to ask first. Can I call you? My fingers are tired. I have carpal tunnel and I'd rather talk. I'm driving. You can have many excuses, but give me a choice! And, by the way, if your request is followed by a few minutes of silence before a brilliant excuse, I clearly didn't want to talk. Yes, I am introducing a new rule of texting etiquette, dammit. You can text me, or you can call me, but you can't textcall OR calltext. There is a line...


Leah said...

I love the snow, but I'm Canadian.
and I live in a town that plows and plows and plows. I actually get mad at the plows when I hear them at 5am and they wake me up because I know they will be by again at 7am when I am awake.

Meredith said...

I love the snow, but we have plows in Philly. And, I don't have to go anywhere. If I haven't gone back to sleep in the pajamas I woke up in, it's a good day.