Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jake.....The ANGST

Oy. This guy is ridiculous. What GUY actually says that "so-and-so" is a beautiful woman but I just am not feeling the chemistry so I am going to send her home? I appreciate him sending home the mommy so she could be with her funny-looking (described by Jake as "neat") kid, but keep the rest! I loved Ashleigh, who has a ridiculous spelling of her name, and is GORGEOUS but lost points because she absolutely threw herself at Jake and he wasn't having any of it (because he's gay).

Do you think they are making him keep Vienna on the show for the drama? I can understand why he might not see what the other girls are seeing (yes, I am suggesting he is one of the girls), but when she requested that her "alone time" be last, she should have been slapped! And isn't he the guy who flew to wherever Jillian was to tell her that the country singer dude (Wes?) had a girlfriend? He, of all people, should know that the people living in the house know each other better than the Bahelor/ette.

At this point, I'm thinking it's between Ali and Tenley but the dark horse is the chick he went on the first date with who gets NO airtime. Ella, is it? He should pick her - she is the least like him and might make him a little less annoying, conservative, gay and everything else awful about him. Which is exactly why he won't pick her, because he sucks!

And, when he decided not to give out all of the roses, why was it so hard to find Chris Harrison? Isn't he standing an inch away, waiting to walk out and say, "Jake, ladies, this is the final rose this evening..." I love that he had to be "found" so Jake could get some advice on whether or not to withhold the final rose.

Jake is such a girl!! Ok - so if I were to ask the question, who would you rather...Jake or Jason, it's a no-brainer, right? BUT, let me throw you for a loop. Jake or ED? Much tougher, isn't it??

I am SO gay Jake over gay Ed. But yuk on both counts. Jake would be so fumbly and bumbly. He seems like an eat-your-face kind of a kisser and I bet his penis is small!

Has anybody listened to Jason Castro yet? Why is Terrible my only fan or, at least, my only commenting fan?

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