Thursday, March 25, 2010

So much to discuss....

Ok - so I didn't really catch much (I just spelled it MUTCH, spelt it Mutch) of BL last night, but I saw enough to happily see Lance get voted off and to watch Michael cry. How the heck did that skinny dark-hair chick lose 9 lbs? I love when the black team wins....every year. I am SO glad Lance is gone - he is just the worst (other than his wife), and I am REALLY tired of watching Michael cry. So, I heard a headline that read, "BL Trainer dates a formerly straight star" (or something like that). I immediately thought Michael and Bob were dating but NO! Alas! It's Jillian and the mother of David Silver's baby!!! I love it - GO JILLIAN!!

I'm really not sure (shure) how I feel about Ricardo and the devil and hell - and I am really starting to hate John Locke or black smoke or whatever it is - which I guess means they are doing a good job with making him a villain. I was very upset about the "situation" on the boat with the murders and such and I kind of LOVE the way Hurley can talk to dead people, even if they are long-dead Spaniards (Mexicans? Cubans? Argentinians?) headed for the New World. How long do you think it took for Hurly to learn those few Spanish words? Am I accusing him of being stupid just because he is maintaining that weight on the island or is it because he says DUUUUDE all of the time?

We now refer to AI as "Bowersox". Instead of, "Hey - do you want to watch this week's AI?", we say, "Hey! Let's watch Bowersox". And, I have actually considered saving the recorded AI just so I can go back and watch Bowersox at my leisure (LEZ-jer for the British). The only other time I considered such a thing was when Allison Iraheta and Adam Lambert did the duet - Slow Ride - LOVED IT. I cannot believe Tim Urban manages to keep holding on - he is terrible! He really does need to get picked up by the CW for some teeny-bopper show instead of polluting the AI stage with his terrible voice and horrific dancing. Siobhan looks like she smells - especially in black jeans.

OMG - I am absolutely beside myself when it comes to Survivor - HOW STUPID IS TYSON??? What a fucking moron! I can't believe - Bawston Rawb had a foolproof plan for screwing over Russell and Tyson is an IDIOT. I can't even talk about it. And, while I understand the move to vote off James, the truth is that he was kicking Colby's ass all over the island on one leg. And I hate the skinny thing on Tyson's team. But she's not as dumb as Tyson - why would you do anything but listen to RAWB when you are on his team???

Dammit - now I'm upset.


Krissy said...

Hurley's last name is Reyes. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he already knew Spanish.
All my friends who watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer are saying Lost is copying that. You should google hellmouth - wikipedia will tell you all you need to know. ;)

What are your thoughts on using google as a verb?

terrible said...

OK, I'm going to come out and say it. I think Boston Rob is hot, even though part of the package is a thick accent, a bit of a pot belly, and a giant gold chain that must impedes his progress on the three dimensional rope maze, yet does not prevent him from winning.
Tyson is an idiot! IDIOT!! If I was him I would've snuffed my torch and then immediately leapt to my death over the bamboo railing behind Jeff Probst, out of sheer embarrassment at being such an IDIOT! But instead he admits to the camera that he's out due to his own stupidity, but follows up with "but I'm still awesome."
I am speechless.

terrible said...

Last night Owen announced, "Do you want to watch Idol? I only want to see that Browersox girl."

Meredith said...

And also, Hurley's dad is Cheech Marin.