Friday, April 23, 2010

Has Hurley become hot??

I just looked up the spelling of his name because I can never remember if it has an "E" or not. It does, apparently. So, has his newfound confidence made him hot? Do you find yourself trying to look at him more closely to see what Libby sees in him? IS he hot and we are missing it? Does he say the word "dude", hotly, or was it his awesome Spanish when he was talking to Richard's dead wife that turned us on?

Jack is so scabby!!! Jon (without Kate plus 8) is getting more attractive as they focus more and more on Hurley, John Locke and Scabby. I think I cried a little during the reunion of Jin and Sun. Is that ridiculous? Is Kate looking a little scabby and are her teeth looking a little yellow?

Are they trying to make John Locke look hot and powerful? He is NOT hot!! I would definitely fuck Hurley over Locke, but everyone over Ben, except maybe Sayid. And, I think I might be Jin over Sawyer, although Sawyer's description of "the pilot" was pretty funny - why does he look like he stepped off the Love Boat? Does anyone remember that show? Were you Gopher or Isaac? I was SO Ace - I'm pretty sure I had a picture of him on my wall when I was growing up.

Why did Desmond run over poor, wheelchair-bound John Locke? I am totally sucked in - I have to admit it.

I will discuss Survivor but only because the moves just keep getting dumber!! I mean, seriously, I didn't think anybody could out-dumb Tyson, but giving Russell the hidden immunity idol? REALLY??? And I don't quite understand why Jeri wouldn't flip over to the skinny/mastermind alliance but it must have something to with the impending merger I don't quite get. Are these people really this dumb???

I love Bowersox. I heard some fantastic Howard Stern commentary on Bowersox - she really does need to do something about the teeth and I'm not sure why she is attempting to "dress diva" instead of just being the crunchy artist she is, but I love her anyway. I am SO glad awful WB dude is gone and I hope Casey goes next!


Krissy said...

I don't think Hurley is hot, but he certainly looks less smelly in sideways world. It's hard to look passed the permanent pit stains and ring around the collar while on the island. Would it kill him to get a hair cut and a shave? That might improve things.

Leah said...


terrible said...

All of my comments are strictly based on Season 1 so you can disregard them if you'd prefer - I'm a little behind, ok a lot behind.
I still can't get over how Hurley hoarded all the fatty food during the first season. He is NOT hot.
Why do you find Sayid so unattractive? I always found him strangely sexy. I can't believe I just used the word "sexy". That's equivalant to describing someone as a "tall glass of water". And I also can't believe I can clearly recall the exact moment I found him sexy, especially since it was when he had someone tied to a coconut tree, and creepily said something like, "I am Sayid. And I am a torturer." and then the scene ended.