Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Where have I been?

Oh my - I almost missed an entire season of BL and I DID miss an entire season of HK. Let me just say - I think the best man won. The guy was AMAZING. I can't remember his name but the fact that he managed to pull that shit off with a cast on his arm and what appeared to be excruciating pain was fabulous. And if they bring "Bigguns" back next season, he better lose some weight.

I'm not naming any names, but somebody in my household (and it's not Herbie, Bailey or me) is in LOVE with Glee. I hate it. Ok, maybe I don't hate it. But am I the only one who thinks fat black (I believe her name is Mercedes) has a better voice than Rachel? And that it's RIDICULOUS that Finn thinks he got what's her name pregnant by coming in a jacuzzi? Come ON!!! I do sort of love the gym teacher/cheerleading coach, and I am 90% sure she made an appearance as Julia Childs' sister in Julie and Julia, which might have been one of the funniest movies I've seen in a while!!

I'm typing this from an airplane, by the way. Yep - I have internet IN THE AIR. I love it!!! I have a cold and I'm that awful person who is torturing the poor guy sitting next to me with my sniffles. I might as well lick his face for all of the germs I am giving him.

Tiger's wife totally beat the shit out of him, didn't she? I sort of love it - not very Swedish of her, if she did.

But let's discuss BL, since it's what we all love. I hate Rudy. And I like Danny better with gray hair. And Amanda is gorgeous, but have you seen her CALVES??? Cankle doesn't even begin to discuss the size of that poor girl's lower legs. But...at least she has a pretty face!! I am beyond appalled that Amanda's pretty friend (whose name is escaping me, Rebecca?) is dating Daniel. Yep - it's true, they are in love. Corky Thatcher has found a life partner...for now. It's NUTS!!!

Can we please discuss the poor woman whose whole family died in the car crash? How amazing is she? How did anyone ever vote her off? I can't remember her name, either, but every time I saw her on TV (Abby!), I could only think of that poor woman. As everyone else is blubbering about their problems, she is thinking, "At least your family is ALIVE..." LOVED her.

I think I have run out of interesting things to say - awful!! I am going to blame my cold and the fact that I have been flying for 9000 hours to get to Texas for the 9000th time this year. GO YANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jane said...
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terrible said...

F.B. TOTALLY has a better voice than Rachel. But she's not exactly a romantic lead-type, unless this was a musical "Precious".

xinaeve said...

What is this Glee and should I be getting into it? As far as BL goes, I couldn't agree more about Danny looking better with gray hair and absolutely loving Abby- I literally balled after hearing her story. And I had NO idea that anyone was actually dating Corky, no less that pretty partner of Amanda who turned super-scary (a la Susan Powder of Stop the Insanity) at the finale....please reveal your sources!