Tuesday, January 12, 2010

You know what I love???

American Idol. Yes, dammit, I LOVE it. Even though I said I wouldn't watch again if anybody beat Adam, I have recovered. They hit the jackpot with the human interest stories, even if they are in Bawston!!!

I am in LOVE with the girl who has 14 brothers with Down's Syndrome. I am even more in love with her mother for adopting 3 of them so her son could have a companion! What a woman!!

I love the HOT guy (in a much more acceptable and HOT way than Jake, who I missed last night) who had cancer and overcame and while I do not love the fact that he is a "voice coach", he was pretty good and definitely HOT!

I love the girl who grew up basically abused by her parents who did not allow her to listen to "secular music" but has an amazing voice and couldn't handle the prospect of singing in front of someone who cares!

I kind of love Posh Spice?

I love the Asian kid who sang "All By Myself" in a completely unacceptable manner and I sort of love the ANGRY guy who pissed Kara (Cara?) off with his demeanor. Do I love Kara? No. Do I love how pissed off she was at the mean man? Yes. Do I love that the one chick who sort of looked like Goldie kept calling her Paula? YES. Do I love that 25% of the chicks on that show sort of look like Goldie? Of course!!

I think I sort of love Uncle Pyro. OH - and by the way - in my office, or in THE office, they have a Kockenspiel in every office in the building. I mean, a large company went out and bought a million Kockenspiels for literally every single office in the place. I love that!!

I am in shock that I got all carried away in my nerdiness today and ranted and raved to my new boss about all of the ideas I have to advance Uncle Pyro and he looked at me like I am nuts and then told me that he "loves my enthusiasm". I'm not sure if I love my enthusiasm. I'm a geek!! But I sort of love being a geek. Geeks are cool. OH!!! And I love the girl at work named Tamar today (who, when introduced to me, inspired a thought of - there IS another Jew in this company)! I love that she insisted on approaching me to say, and I quote, "By the way, I was just telling so-and-so that you have the most Jewish name EVER. Are you Jewish?" And I replied with, "Yes, Tamar, but I believe the name Tamar might trump mine in Jewie-ness by just a little".

Why have I used the word Jew in every 2010 entry? HMMMMMMM...........

So dammit, Terrible - I have loves!!!

1 comment:

terrible said...

Speaking of jewishness, what did you think about the jewish girl on Jersey Shore? Her graphic artistry on the t-shirt was brilliant, although ill-timed and scary.

OKOKOK, I will GD watch American Idol. I was TRYING to grow up!!! But it's useless. I can't stay away. I miss Simon and I miss all of the earnest contestants who most of the time I can make fun of, except for the rare occasion when one brings me to tears.