Monday, January 11, 2010

You want to know what I hate?

Well, I hate lots of things. I hate apartment living (thankfully, that's out of my life). I hate listening to my neighbor shower or hearing my neighbor's dog bark or the worst, smelling Indian food in the hallway of the apartment building. I hate when people don't turn off their blinker after they turn (most frequently occurring on the highway). I hate when people leave their carts in the parking lot at the grocery store. (Well, I guess I don't HATE that but, come lazy can you be??) I hate when people play with my crutches and then leave them on the other side of the room. Yes - I realize you don't need them to get back over here, but I actually am using them to walk!! I hate people who protest against same-sex marriage - there are plenty of better things out there that deserve their focus and attention - spend energy there!!

I hate when people leave their dogs outside all day. Don't they realize that even if they can handle the sub-zero temperatures, they are going to bark? And that even those of us who no longer live in Indian apartments can hear the damn barking? I hate when people treat the Jewish (and probably Christian, too) holidays like a fashion show. Aren't we there to pray? Shouldn't we all be in sweatsuits? I actually kind of hate sweatsuits. I don't hate sweat pants and sweat shirts, but I really am not a fan of the matching set.

I have soooo many more hates. I won't even get into my hate of to, too and two mix-ups and people who spell definately. On the other hand, I actually love certain grammatical/spelling mix-ups. For example, I have a colleague who uses the word amendable instead of amenable. I love it! She will say, "I'm not sure if Jacki is amendable to this, but I would like her to come visit this customer in NYC." Love it. I'm also sort of a fan of ain't and I especially like putting an apostrophe in the word ain't, as if that makes it an acceptable word.

Oh my - I am experiencing a "hate" right this second! Although again, like ain't, I am sort of loving it. One of my "colleagues" is giving a presentation on a conference call. The presentation is online. He is having issues with both the presentation and the call - the best part is that someone keeps writing across his presentation with blue marker (love it). He sounds like he is either on a plane, train or in a motor boat. What a disaster! The best part is that his boss is a stickler for process, etc. and I love the fact that she is likely FREAKING OUT right now.

But anyway, back to what I hate. I hate people who have surgery and, of course, have pain after the surgery, but try NOT to take the painkillers. THE PAINKILLERS ARE FOR THE PAIN, YOU IDIOT! They storm around, in pain, and tell you, "Oh...I just don't like the way they make me feel". Really? Like you don't like the fact that they KILL YOUR PAIN?? The only acceptable excuse for such a person is that they are trying to save the painkillers to use for pleasure, perhaps to take with a cocktail or a long plane ride or a "painful" meeting. And these people, they just live their lives with leftover painkillers in their medicine cabinets like some kind of trophy. If you aren't going to take them yourself, even for pain, at least SHARE!!

Seriously, there are so many things to hate about these people. As a person who has dealt with a considerable amount of pain (which has, apparently, made me a bitter hater of all things above and people who don't understand Judaism), I hate when people look at me and demand/claim they do not "need" the painkillers because they make their head fuzzy. I actually had the following conversation with someone. I explained to her that, before they sliced open my throat to fix my neck, I was taking between 6-8 painkillers daily. She told me she could barely handle 1 or 2 when she had some surgery or another for which she tried not to take the painkillers. (I just thought of another acceptable excuse - not taking them because you want to drink heavily. Before I went to Hawaii, I really tried hard to get off the pills so I could enjoy the Classic Mai Tai, which is killer! Not that I couldn't have done both, and I hate people who think you can't drink and take painkillers together, but I can't truly appreciate the buzz from the Mai Tai if I am already feeling a narcotic buzz, you know?) Anyway, this bitch looked at me like I was crazy - like I had a choice about how many I was taking. Seriously, I have always been a fan of the narcotic, but it isn't fun after 1 or 2. I told her that I was in so much pain, I felt like I was going to puke most of the time and the doctor told me to take one every 2 hours until the surgery. And this bitch looked at me and, with a straight face said, "Maybe I just have a higher tolerance for pain". The fact that I didn't jump across the table and strangle her is a testament to my self-control, and maybe to the Vodka/Cran I was consuming at the time. Ugh - what a wench.

So...I hate people who don't take the pills they are prescribed because they think they know better than the doctor. I also hate smarmy people, but that's a whole new entry, because I love the word smarmy. Would my fans be amendable to an entry about smarmy people???

1 comment:

terrible said...

I completely agree with your hatred of people who leave the painkillers in the vanity in order to expire, unused. Ridiculous! Save them for birthdy gifts or something! If someone gave me a few pills for my birthday, even if they were a little dusty, I would love them forever.

Now tell us what you LOVE to balance things off.