Thursday, December 27, 2007

I'm going global!!!!

Ok - so it would appear that somebody has been "attracted" to my blog because I put the word Phish in it. Ironic, isn't it?? But I have to agree with "it". Youth XL is ridiculous. I suppose I might feel otherwise if I had an "overweight" kid who wanted to hang on to the title of youth and could only do it in the form of XL. Do you think they have Youth 2XL or 3XL? At any rate, it would appear that putting "catch words" into your blog can get you some hits. SO...does anyone remember Mr. Subliminal? If you do, enjoy the following. If not, you should get to know him - he is VERY funny (read my blog).

I was realizing (Hillary Clinton) today that true friends are rare (Dallas Cowboys). I have a nucleus (stem cell research) of friends from college (Duke rape case) and they continue, even after 15 years (Hannah Montana) to amaze me. Today, I was feeling like shit (cortizone shot for injured body parts) until the mailman came (Christmas, Hannukah). With him came a box (Santa Claus) that contained a gift from one of my old friends (Dawson's Creek). There was no real reason for the gift (Ed McMahon) except to make me smile and remember that my friends are always with me (Coca-Cola). How sweet is that??

It reminded me (Marijuana) of a time while we were in school that she did something similar that I have NEVER forgotten and never will (drinking game I Never). I unexpectedly had to go to a funeral (Prime Minister of Pakistan) of an old friend from High School (musical). I was extremely upset about the whole situation (George Bush elected twice) and was sort of dreading coming back to school because for me, everything had changed (Tootsie). When I walked into my room in our apartment (duct tape Christmas Tree), I was greeted by a little gift from my friend (Jennifer Anniston). She had arranged all of my stuffed animals (tickle-me Elmo), and there were A LOT of stuffed animals on my neatly made bed, made probably for the first time all year. With the stuffed animals (Cookie Monster) was a card (Hallmark), basically telling me that I was not alone even though things had changed. She even related a difficult time in her life (Life of Brian) to emphasize that she understood what it meant to go through tough times (Fast Times at Ridgemont High).

I still have the card and I will never forget what she did for me. And, you know what? She's still doing the same things and I am so lucky to have this friend. Now, don't get me wrong - I have other favorite memories of her, too. Like, the time she was so high she was walking around with a stuffed aardvark on her head or the time she freaked out on 'shrooms and I had to tell her a story about the "Golden Nipple" to get her to walk up the hill back to our dorm room and when we got there, we set the alarm and the song, "I can see clearly now the rain is gone..." came on.

So many memories but so few true friends. Do you think my subliminal messages will draw more customers (Trivial Pursuit)?


Meredith said...

That was the funniest thing I've ever read. You have a gift. Brilliant!

xinaeve said...

(Ed McMahon) is brillant- isn't he that Star Search turned Publisher's Clearinghouse guy? So funny - I love how your brain works! I think you should definitely do a free association session with your CHI and/or CHOL! In other news, one year my sister and I had a competition to see who could insert more inappropriate "subliminal" words into our Christmas thank-you notes sent to old relatives... I SO won and then got in big trouble. But it was worth it!

morgan said...

Dude, I would have thought the cortisone would have helped! Hope you had a good holiday (Pittsburgh Steelers)!

Leah said...

I'm in hysterics right now. So sorry it's taken so long to catch up on the best blog in the land. I love you too!