Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Returning from the Spa

Here's what i have to say.canyon ranch was fucking awesome. i hate that i had to leave and i loved every minute of being there and dammit, if we have to have a fundraiser, my friends and i WILL go there as a TEAM someday. ok???

Because, my experiences at the "captain's table" with my new friends, crack, terrible, i'm-70-but-i-don't-look-a-day-over-50, 40-days and my-kids-were-so-hard-on-me-i-look-80-but-i-can't-be-a-day-over-60 were great, but i would rather have been dining with my best friends. and now, i am back to "work", which currently means i am in st louis and i have a seminar tomorrow, and my speaker fucking cancelled on me and i have to give his talk and i know NOTHING about iatrogenic AML and MDS (well, a little something now) and i feel like i am in college studying for an organic chemistry test when all i want to do is get high. in other ranch news, "terrible", (who i will describe to those of you who have not yet heard about her) apparently entered the pool and announced that she had left the water on in the shower in the locker room to"prove" that canyon ranch DOES run out of hot water. when somebody informed her that arizona is in the midst of a drought and went to turn the water off, she snapped, "if you turn it off, i'm just going to go turn it back on". TERRIBLE.

1 comment:

xinaeve said...

Hey Jackson 5, I'm kind of glad you never got to name a dog Jackson so that it can now be your blogging moniker. And yes, I LOVE the title - "cracking the door" was definitely one of the best things we've SLASH you've ever done!