Wednesday, December 12, 2007

a letter to my travel agent from OK

And I don't mean Oklahoma. Well, yes I do.

First of all - THANK you. I feel like I entered some sort of alternate universe when I came here. And, the thermostat on the plane wasn't working so it was 9000 degrees on the plane and 20 degrees off. THEN, I walked out to the garage to try to get into my car only to realize that here in OKC, you HAVE to check in at the desk. Back in, back out, and into a giant ashtray, I mean car.

So anyway - somehow you managed to find the nicest hotel in this city, I think, and they serve food until all hours and they are very nice and, thanks to you, the alternate universe is slightly ok...

Except they just arrived at my door with a glass of scotch I didn’t order which is a little odd, isn't it?? Had it been a glass of vodka, I may have partaken, but I'm just not a "glenlivet" kind of girl...

I will shut up BUT - how is it possible that I have 29.5 segments on United? How does one achieve HALF of a segment?? And, if that is the case, should I get credit for an extra segment (or at least half) since we were diverted to Nashville the other day on our way to St Louis? You can see where I am headed with this, right? Don't want to take another flight before the end of the year just to achieve status....

1 comment:

xinaeve said...

So you made it to OK after all- you're SO snagging that "bluebird sale" (I'm sure I got that terminology wrong but you know what I mean). My theory on the scotch is 1) they gave it to all those hard core travelers who were able to brave the storms and closed airport and make it anyways and 2) at least it was Glenlivit and not well.