Sunday, December 16, 2007

I hate the lunch lady

I had to prove to J that she was from Bawston or at least the area so I looked her up on the website. I now know that she lost her job as a lunch lady which just makes me hate Bawston all the more. But, the real reason I hate her is the explanation for the mullet. She has to have short hair as a lunch lady but she wants to make her fat husband (who does God knows what to make her earn her $7/hour as a janitor) happy by having long hair. And, "older-than-lunch-lady" Jeff Probst was beaming at the answer. Um, Lunch Lady - have you ever heard of a PONYTAIL??? Or even a hairnet? She also apparently owns her own karate school (or something to that effect).

I am now firmly a fan of "the package", who, as a gravedigger is making people happy by taking pictures with them after digging the grave of their loved ones. I also love the blonde who was in the final 3 (not enough to remember her name) because of the comment about Jean-Robert, "He's like Susan Lucci. His name is always on the ballot but he never gets the vote." Or, something like that.

I also hate the wrestler, just because and "Chicken" because his name is Chicken when it should be "I-look-70-with-clothes-on-but-not-a-day-over-50-with-my-shirt-off".


terrible said...

i CAN'T read any of these because i haven't seen the finale yet, goddammit!
i have to wait for it to appear on ONDEMAND! But I want the blondie to win because she's useless AND a bitch!

xinaeve said...

First, I LOVE that "terrible" is in the mix. I actually thought for just a second that it was the original "terrible" from CR.

Second, LL's explanation for the mullet literally left me speechless. WHAT?!?!?! I was sitting on the couch, with my mouth hanging open, trying to formulate an appropriate comment but nothing came out... J (my J, not yours) remarked that it was the first time in Survivor history when I was speechless. But now that I've got my "voice" back here's what I think: I've heard of "business in front, party in the back", which, come to think of it, is oddly similar to her explanation ...assuming being a lunch lady is "business" and romance is "party"... jingling ...gross!.

terrible said...

Hilarious!!! Whenever I see two large people, and the lunchlady and her visiting husband fit that bill nicely, i think, "how do they have sex" and then I think, "eeww" and then i try not to think about it at all but it only makes me think about it more until something else distracts me...phew!
and how do you know i'm not the original terrible? in fact, i'm going to go turn on my shower right now...full power...just to see how long it will take to lower the aquifer under philadelphia.