Sunday, December 16, 2007


I can't say I've watched it all season - (sorry C, but it's not as much fun without you) - but I have to make a few comments. How could you not vote out lunch lady? If you're jury, how could you NOT vote FOR lunch lady. Not only is she lunch lady making SEVEN dollars an hour, but she has a mullet AND she pahks her cah in hahvad yahd. I think - I'm assuming because she voted for TAWD.

Anyway, I hope brown hair wins - it was so smaht of her to vote off lunch lady and go up against anorexic and scheming flight attendant who was probably at the Christmas pahty I was at last night. And I can't BELIEVE lunch lady is 40. That's ridiculous. She has to be at least 20 years older than us, right? The one thing I definitely don't like about brown hair (besides the fact that I don't know her name) is that they constantly have to blur out her camouflaged ass throughout the show.

And please, would somebody please give lunch lady a higher paying jawb??? Not only did she somehow make final four, which is RIDICULOUS, (although she definitely had the immunity challenge in her favor - how fair is it to have a plate stacking cawmpetition with a lunch lady in the game?), but she also traipsed around in an off-white sports braw with so much unacceptable jiggling going on, it was unbelievable. AND, she somehow missed the mullet memo... And even at $7 an hour, who doesn't know at this point that the survivors usually are forced to spend the game in their undergarments - could she have purchased a new, possibly black undergarment outfit (a la the black guy who sauntered around showing off his package all game)? I wouldn't have voted him out!!

Ok - let's see how it goes....

And keep this thought in mind - Jeff Probst (hot host) is definitely older than lunch lady.

1 comment:

xinaeve said...

OK- I finally watched the finale and can weigh in: I was SO James (HB) all season and was pissed that Amanda (brown hair) voted him off, which is why I hate her and can't support her. I'm also impressed that after watching one show you've picked up on pretty much everything I've been saying all season! The one hilarious thing you missed from previous episodes was when HB and LL (lunch lady) bonded over their shared work ethic and there was a potential romance between them. I kid you not- it was too funny- here's the recap:

Fei Long, Day 13. As James and Denise work on the morning chores, he tells us that he's doing most of the work for the tribe right now. Well, except for Denise, who also really pulls her weight and works hard. He says he really digs Denise, because she can "compliment you and work with you." She's just his type of woman. And you keep thinking that he's saying something he doesn't mean to say, but then he adds that if she were ten years younger or he were ten years older, she'd "be in trouble."

Besides the obvious- what's SO funny about this is that James is probably 10 years OLDER than Denise!