Monday, December 31, 2007

Dreams and teeth

First of all, what is it with dreams and teeth? Why are teeth always an aspect of nightmares? Everybody has had one at one time or another. Sometimes, the teeth all fall out. Sometimes, the front ones are missing. In my case, the teeth get too big for my mouth and I can't talk to people and tell them that I need help. It's a recurring nightmare I've had since I was a kid. It occurs in many different ways but the gist is that I can't open my mouth and talk. Yes, I know, it doesn't take a rocket scientist, or even a CHI or a CHOL, for that matter, to interpret the dream but I like to think it is mostly in my past.

Of course, I'm going to blow that theory to hell by telling the story of my converstaion with my CHI (yes, the one who actually talks to me before pulling out her prescription pad) last week. I had the dream - it was the first time in years, but I had it. So, of course, she wanted to interpret it. Here's where it gets interesting.

CHI - So, what do you think about the dream?
ME - Well, obviously, I have issues telling people when I need help.
CHI - But, how do you feel about teeth?
ME - ???? (ut oh, am i going to have to tell her about my teeth "thing"?)
CHI - Well, what do you think of when you think of teeth?
ME - Well, I don't like it when people have bad teeth (ut oh, does she have bad teeth?)
CHI - How come?
ME - It's the first thing you see and it's an easy thing to fix. FIX IT.
CHI - Ok - let's go a different route... What do you associate with big teeth?
ME - ummmmmm.....
CHI - What do you think when you see big teeth?
CHI - Ok, let's try thinking outside the box here - who do you associate with big teeth
ME - ummmm (I don't associate with anyone with big, buck, missing or yellow teeth)
CHI - Like, for example, the big bad wolf???
ME - OOOOHHHH.... (I'm a fucking moron)

It went on from there... Something about the big, bad wolf and anger and me keeping all of my anger locked up behind my teeth. Meanwhile, I was on a bit of a different track. I'm pretty sure she has good teeth, thankfully, although I'm certain she'll never smile in front of me again!! Can you believe GET BRACES came out of my mouth?? (Don't answer that)...


xinaeve said...

I love it...1) that it's SO accurate that everyone has teeth nightmares (mine were the worst prior to wedding when my front tooth that's capped kept falling out at the most inopportune times (ie saying vows and spitting it into J's face, cake cutting right onto cake, etc), 2) that you've somehow hooked up with the rare breed of psychoanalytic CHI that actually wants to talk and engage in dream should ask her if she's Freudian or Jungian (you don't have to i'm just curious)...

Keep the blog's coming in 2008!

Meredith said...

I haven't had my teeth dream in a while - it's more like a mouth dream since I have a wad of basically wet cardboard like gum in my mouth and I try to pull it out and pull it out, but it doesn't ever get out. It's like if you chew a particulary nasty peice of gum for too long. I usually get it when I'm really stressed, and 2007 was the year of no stress for me - a welcome change.